split long string at single numbers followed by a . not prefixed by a +

I have a very long string I need to split in several places.

  1. Distraction — Target suffers a -30 modification for all
  2. Confusion — Target is incapable of making decisions or
    initiating action. He may continue to fight current foes or in
    self-defense with +5.
  3. Blur Vision — Target suffers a -100 OB modification for
    missile attacks, and a -50 modification for all other actions.
  4. Fear — Target fears caster and attempts to flee. Fleeing
    normally equates to moving
    at maximum pace away from
    the caster.
  5. Stumble — Target becomes
    unbalanced. If he is moving,
    he trips and falls (0% action
    for 1-5 rnds). If he is performing
    a maneuver, the
    manuever fails.

I am trying to split this at each 1,2,3,4,5 but the rows ending with +5. cause a lot of problems. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

$myString = '1. Distraction — Target suffers a -30 modification for all
2. Confusion — Target is incapable of making decisions or
initiating action. He may continue to fight current foes or in
self-defense with +5.
3. Blur Vision — Target suffers a -100 OB modification for
missile attacks, and a -50 modification for all other actions.
4. Fear — Target fears caster and attempts to flee. Fleeing
normally equates to moving
at maximum pace away from
the caster.
5. Stumble — Target becomes
unbalanced. If he is moving,
he trips and falls (0% action
for 1-5 rnds). If he is performing
a maneuver, the
manuever fails.'

$myOutput = 1..5 | % { 
    $StartMarker = $myString.IndexOf("$_. ")
    if ($_ -eq 5) {
        $EndMarker = $myString.Length
    } else {
        $EndMarker = $myString.IndexOf("$($_+1). ")
        Number = $_
        String = $myString.Substring($StartMarker+3,$EndMarker-(3+$StartMarker))

$myOutput | FL


Number : 1
String : Distraction — Target suffers a -30 modification for all

Number : 2
String : Confusion — Target is incapable of making decisions or
         initiating action. He may continue to fight current foes or in
         self-defense with +5.

Number : 3
String : Blur Vision — Target suffers a -100 OB modification for
         missile attacks, and a -50 modification for all other actions.

Number : 4
String : Fear — Target fears caster and attempts to flee. Fleeing
         normally equates to moving
         at maximum pace away from
         the caster.

Number : 5
String : Stumble — Target becomes
         unbalanced. If he is moving,
         he trips and falls (0% action
         for 1-5 rnds). If he is performing
         a maneuver, the
         manuever fails.

There are many ways to do this. Here is one more:

# Mocked Get-Content, so the test input can live in one file.
function Get-Content-ment {
1. Distraction — Target suffers a -30 modification for all
2. Confusion — Target is incapable of making decisions or
initiating action. He may continue to fight current foes or in
self-defense with +5.
3. Blur Vision — Target suffers a -100 OB modification for
missile attacks, and a -50 modification for all other actions.
4. Fear — Target fears caster and attempts to flee. Fleeing
normally equates to moving
at maximum pace away from
the caster.
5. Stumble — Target becomes
unbalanced. If he is moving,
he trips and falls (0% action
for 1-5 rnds). If he is performing
a maneuver, the
manuever fails.
'@ -split '\r?\n'

function Parse-File {
    param (

    $headingRegex = '^(\d+)\.\s(.*)'
    $output = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder

    # Change Get-Content-ment to Get-Content for this to work correctly.
    foreach ($line in (Get-Content-ment $Path)) {
        if ($line -match $headingRegex) {
            if ($output.Length -gt 0) {
                Write-Output $output.ToString()
                $null = $output.Clear()
            $null = $output.AppendLine($Matches[2])
        else {
            $null = $output.AppendLine($line)
    if ($output.Length -gt 0) {
                Write-Output $output.ToString()

$bulletPoints = Parse-File U:\temp\temp.txt



Which outputs:


Distraction — Target suffers a -30 modification for all

Confusion — Target is incapable of making decisions or
initiating action. He may continue to fight current foes or in
self-defense with +5.

Blur Vision — Target suffers a -100 OB modification for
missile attacks, and a -50 modification for all other actions.

Fear — Target fears caster and attempts to flee. Fleeing
normally equates to moving
at maximum pace away from
the caster.

Stumble — Target becomes
unbalanced. If he is moving,
he trips and falls (0% action
for 1-5 rnds). If he is performing
a maneuver, the
manuever fails.

Did you intend there to be, carriage returns within the bullet points (numbered blocks)? As, this would be much simpler without them.

Thank you so much for such fast and well written answers. Why is everything so simple when you see an answer!