I’m failing to do what should be simple, determine the command line property of a running process just like ‘Windows Task Manager’ displays when adding the command line column/property (I would put in a screen shot at this point but no idea how!).
I’m particularly interested in knowing how my various java process are performing but I cannot tell one java process from another, as they just say “java.exe”… not helpful. I have tried the following:
In both cases I get only the process name (java or java.exe) and nothing for the command line. I'm new to PowerShell so please don't dismiss the obvious, can anyone help explain why I'm not able to determine the command line details when they must surely be there somewhere?Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter "name = 'java.exe'" | Select-Object -Property name, CommandLineandGet-Process -name java | Select-Object -Property name, CommandLine
Thanks a lot.