Some Thoughts

I would like to see the ability to @mention someone and to up vote correct answers

Thanks, Paul. Right now, I’ve been looking at up/down voting but haven’t found anything that implements it without a massive negative performance hit. The search continues. @ mentions isn’t something I’d thought of, but I’ll hunt around and see what’s available. Any research you can do in these areas is always helpful, as my time to do this stuff is pretty limited.

here is an example of how to use the @ mentions plugin for BuddyPress in bbPress Add the New BuddyPress Mentions Interface to bbPress Forum Replies – WP Tavern

Doesn’t this work with a valid username? Test: @paul-frankovich ?

I was able to do @ mentions before the new webpage/theme came.

EDIT. Yup. Still works. No menu or anything tho. It could be convenient if you somehow could autocomplete usernames.

@Jonathan-Warnken @paul-frankovich
Now we just have to remember to use it :slight_smile: