Some basic staff and parsing help

Hi all,
I’m now in PS and need a help.
I have text file like this:
1234,00 0,23RF$%$,TIFF ,050000000,049480158.15,9128284B3,TEST AND Note ,20181018,20181019,new york basement PC1,
1234,3,3L501C12,TIFF,050000000,049480158.15,9128284B3,TEST & Note ,20181018,20181019,PC2 in basement,NY ,
1234,00 0,23RF$%$,TIFF ,050000000,049480158.15,9128284B3,TEST AND Note ,20181018,20181019,new york basement PC1,
1234,3,3L501C12,TIFF,050000000,049480158.15,9128284B3,TEST & Note ,20181018,20181019,PC2 in basement,NY ,
1234,00 0,23RF$%$,TIFF ,050000000,049480158.15,9128284B3,TEST AND Note ,20181018,20181019,new york basement PC1,
1234,3,3L501C12,TIFF,050000000,049480158.15,9128284B3,TEST & Note ,20181018,20181019,PC2 in basement,NY ,

witch i need to export to csv file with comma delimiter , but need to remove comma in PC2 in basement,NY and special character 3th column but not % and & character form column 8.
Any help


I chose to use the switch statement because I am not sure how large your text file is or if you have multiple files. Switch statement is more optimal than ‘Get-Content’.

$file = Get-ChildItem \\path\to\textfile.txt

$result = 
switch -Regex -File ($file){
   {$_} {$line = $_ -replace "basement,NY","basement NY" -split ','}
   {$_} {[PSCustomObject]@{
        H0 = $line[0]
        H1 = $line[1]
        H2 = $line[2] -replace '[^\w%]'
        H3 = $line[3]
        H4 = $line[4]
        H5 = $line[5]
        H6 = $line[6]
        H7 = $line[7] -replace '&'
        H8 = $line[8]
        H9 = $line[9]
        H10 = $line[10]

$result | Export-Csv -Path \\path\to\result.csv -NoTypeInformation

Thanks, but basement and NY was just example, I need something more like to repleace comma with space in 10th column of txt file,

but my problem is that I can use only comma(,) as field separator but I want to remove all strings afrer 10th one,

Example :

col1(4 character)|Col2(4ch) |Col3(5ch)|…|col9(30ch)| col10(30ch)
1234, 1234, 12345,… …,string with 30 character, this is column 10th but have extra coma in,

thanks for your help.


You want to replace all commas after the… ninth instance per line?

Hmm. I think regex can do that.

$File = Get-Content '.\File.txt'
$Output = foreach ($Line in $File) {
$Line -replace '(?<=(.*,.*){9,}),', ' '
$Output | Set-Content '.\NewFile.txt'

EDIT: This forum seems to insert spaces in odd places. Let me gist that instead: