Change value from csv

Hi all

I’m trying di modify data into a csv, I’ve to remove value in parentheses(). After that I would to calculate a percentage (“Space used”/“Hard Limit” * 100 ) e put this into header “state”

I’m a newbe and I’m not able to find the right method. How can I do this?

source csv is

“Path”,“Space used”,“Soft limit”,“Hard limit”,“Grace period left”,“State”
“/Services/sales”,“414065664 (394.8M)”,“10737418240 (10.0G)”,“53687091200 (50.0G)”,“”,“OK”
“/Services/HR”,“401392640 (382.7M)”,“53687091200 (50.0G)”,“107374182400 (100.0G)”,“”,“OK”

Result csv should be




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What have you tried so far? Please show your code. Have you tried to search for a solution?

Hi Olaf

I’ve tried with this code, it doesn’t manipulate import file as csv but as text file

$quotacsv = "./test.csv"
$quotamod = "./test-exp.csv"
$quotaclean = "./test-clean.csv"
(Get-Content $quotacsv)|Foreach-Object {
$_ -replace '\(([^\)]+)\)',''} | Set-Content $quotamod

If I got it right something like this should be a start for you:

$InputData = @'
"Path","Space used","Soft limit","Hard limit","Grace period left","State"
"/Services/sales","414065664 (394.8M)","10737418240 (10.0G)","53687091200 (50.0G)","","OK"
"/Services/HR","401392640 (382.7M)","53687091200 (50.0G)","107374182400 (100.0G)","","OK"
'@ | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter ','

$InputData |
    ForEach-Object {
            Path = $_.Path
            SpaceUsed = $_.'Space used' -replace '\s+\(.+\)'
            SoftLimit = $_.'Soft limit' -replace '\s+\(.+\)'
            HardLimit = $_.'Hard limit' -replace '\s+\(.+\)'
            GracePeriodLeft = $_.'Grace period left'
            State = "{0:n2} %" -f ([Int64]$($_.'Space used' -replace '\s+\(.+\)')/[INT64]$($_.'Hard limit' -replace '\s+\(.+\)') * 100)

Hi Olaf

I’ve done some little mod

$quotacsv = "/Users/mancio/tmp/prova.csv"
$quotacsvexp = "/Users/mancio/tmp/prova-clean.csv"
$inputdata = Import-Csv $quotacsv -Delimiter ","
$InputData |
ForEach-Object {
Path = $_.Path
SpaceUsed = $_.'Space used' -replace '\s+\(.+\)'
SoftLimit = $_.'Soft limit' -replace '\s+\(.+\)'
HardLimit = $_.'Hard limit' -replace '\s+\(.+\)'
GracePeriodLeft = $_.'Grace period left'
State = "{0:n2} %"-f ([Int64]$($_.'Space used' -replace '\s+\(.+\)')/[INT64]$($_.'Hard limit' -replace '\s+\(.+\)') * 100)
} | Export-Csv -Path $quotacsvexp
It works great!!