settings Content type

by bronyx85 at 2013-04-09 12:01:22


I have approx 100+ content types whose settings are Read Only on the root site.

I need to able to change this setting, so that they are not read only, but it needs to be done via powershell.

Can someone help me in such a way in which i can
a) get a list of all the content types and store them in a variable
b) loop through all the content types in the variable and change the settings so that they are not read only?

Many thanks
by AlexBrassington at 2013-04-09 13:09:14
Content types exist at many levels but primarily at the root web of a site collection. The read only property is straight on the content type.
by bronyx85 at 2013-04-09 23:18:28
Yes, they are the root level, but how do I change the read only setting via powershell for all content types in the system which are currently read only.
by bronyx85 at 2013-04-10 06:06:25
its ok. I have solved it.
A for each loop which queries the site, then loops through each library solved the issue.

by AlexBrassington at 2013-04-12 11:05:28
For anyone who finds this via search:
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell -ea SilentlyContinue

#Get site collection
$SiteCollection = Get-SPSite "http://sharepoint/sites/cthub"

$ContentTypes = $SiteCollection.RootWeb.ContentTypes | ? {$.ReadOnly -eq $True -AND $.Hidden = $false }
foreach ($ContentType in $ContentTypes)
$ContentType.ReadOnly = $false

That’ll update all visible content types to be read/write. It would be much better to run it against a white-list of content types as even the visible one could lead to items that you shouldn’t be modifying being changed.