Set applicationPoolDefaults properties


I need help setting the properties of applicationPoolDefaults itself. I cannot find this object under IIS:\AppPools and I would like to see if can use command Set-ItemProperty like in the following command.

Set-ItemProperty -Path IIS:\AppPools\DefaultAppPool -Name queueLength -Value 10000

Is there any other way to do it other than using set-webconfigurationproperty command?

Thank you!

That exactly right! for example:

Set-ItemProperty .\DefaultAppPool -Name queueLength -Value 2000

would double the value from 1000 to 2000.


I should add my PowerShell prompt was already in the IIS provider when I ran that.

Set-Location iis:
Set-Location AppPools

PS IIS:\AppPools>

I’d like to set applicationPoolDefaults not DefaultAppPool. The only way I can find is to use set-webconfigurationproperty.

set-webconfigurationproperty /system.applicationHost/applicationPools/applicationPoolDefaults[1]/failure[1] -name rapidFailProtectionMaxCrashes -value 10

Thank you!

Hey Sirirako!

I didn;t understand in your tweet that you wanted the AppPool defaults. You are correct! Nice job finding it!

Get-WebConfiguration -Filter system.applicationhost/applicationpools/applicationPoolDefaults[1]

So, Get-/Set WebConfiguration and WebConfigurationProperty is way you would set those defaults.

Congrats and enjoy!
