Disable app pool recycling on IIS 7.5 server

Hi admins!

I have a couple of webservers hosting around 20 sites with there corresponding app pool.
I would now like like to disable app pool recycling (default is every 1740 minutes)
I would also like to disable the “idle time-out” (default is 20 minutes)

Been trying a while but i really need some help :slight_smile:

I was thinking something like this

$appPools = Get-childItem IIS:\AppPools
foreach ($appPool in $appPools)

“Disable recycling and idle time-out , but i don’t know how :)”

How would you continue ?



Working in the IIS: drive is a lot like working in the registry drives. You’ll need to explore (using CD and DIR) until you find the setting you want, and then you’ll se Set-Item and/or Set-ItemProperty to modify those settings. https://powershell.org/forums/topic/how-to-operate-on-list-of-iis-application-pools-on-remote-server-using-powershel/ might be a starting point, which is another question regarding app pools via PowerShell.