I have a excel (keywordlistfile.xlsx) with there columns Keyword1, Keyword2, keyword3 2500 rows &
another excel (Datafile.xlsx) with Column short Description 17000+ rows
have to search Keword1 & keyword2 and keyword3 in Shortdecription and assign a value to category to it
Code is working with -Like but not with .contains & Taking more that 24+ hours
Sample code:
$StartTime = Get-Date
$CurrentDatetime = $(Get-Date).ToString(“yyyy_MM_dd_hh_mm_ss”)
#$ClientName = Read-host "Please enter Client name: "
$ClientName = “CBLF”
#Write-host $ClientName
$FolderPath = “C:\Gaurav-Dubey\Dataanalysis”
$DataFileName = “Data Aug to Nov 22.xlsx”
$DataAnalysisSheetName = “Sheet1”
$KeywordFileName = “Keyword list_sub category_category.xlsx”
$KewordSheetName= “Keywords”
$FinalDataName = “$ClientName-$CurrentDatetime.csv”
#Write-Host $FinalDataName
#Reading data from Data Analysis file
$ExcelDA = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$WorkBookDA = $ExcelDA.Workbooks.Open(“$FolderPath$DataFileName”)
#Write-host $WorkBookDA.Name
$SheetNameDA = “$DataAnalysisSheetName”
$WorkSheetDA = $WorkBookDA.Sheets.Item($SheetNameDA)
#Write-host $WorkSheetDA.Name
$objRangeDA = $WorkSheetDA.UsedRange
$RowCountDA = $objRangeDA.Rows.Count
$ColumnCountDA = $objRangeDA.Columns.Count
Write-Host “RowCount from data Analysis file:” $RowCountDA
Write-Host “ColumnCount from data Analysis file:” $ColumnCountDA
#$column = 1
#$row = 2
#Reading data from Keyword list file
$ExcelKL = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$WorkBookKL = $ExcelKL.Workbooks.Open(“$FolderPath$KeywordFileName”)
#Write-host $WorkBookKL.Name
$SheetNameKL = “$KewordSheetName”
$WorkSheetKL = $WorkBookKL.Sheets.Item($SheetNameKL)
#Write-host $WorkSheetKL.Name
$objRangeKL = $WorkSheetKL.UsedRange
$RowCountKL = $objRangeKL.Rows.Count
$ColumnCountKL = $objRangeKL.Columns.Count
Write-Host “RowCount from Keyword List file:” $RowCountKL
Write-Host “ColumnCount from Keyword list file:” $ColumnCountKL
$columnKL = 1
$rowKL = 2
$Header = @(“IncidentNumber” + “=” + “Category” + “=” + “SubCategory” + “=” + “Keyword1” + “=” + “Keyword2” + “=” + “Keyword3” )
$finalData = @()
$finalData = $Header
$ExcludeRows = @()
$ExludeIncidentNumbers = @()
for($i = 2; $i -le $RowCountKL; $i++)
#for($i = 2; $i -le 63; $i++)
#for($i = 2; $i -le 5; $i++)
#Write-host "Row Number for Keywords file in for Keyword for loop = " $i
$Category = $WorkSheetKL.Cells.Item($i,3).text
$Category = $Category.Trim()
#Write-host "Category = " $Category
$SubCategory = $WorkSheetKL.Cells.Item($i,4).text
$SubCategory= $SubCategory.Trim()
#Write-host "Sub Category = " $SubCategory
$Keyword1 = $WorkSheetKL.Cells.Item($i,5).text
$Keyword1 = $Keyword1.Trim()
#Write-host "KeyWord 1 = " $Keyword1
$Keyword2 = $WorkSheetKL.Cells.Item($i,6).text
$Keyword2 = $Keyword2.Trim()
#Write-host "KeyWord 2 = " $Keyword2
$Keyword3 = $WorkSheetKL.Cells.Item($i,7).text
$Keyword3 = $Keyword3.Trim()
#Write-host "KeyWord 3 = " $Keyword3
$columnDA = 1
$rowDA = 2
for($j = 2; $j -le $RowCountDA; $j++)
#for($j = 2; $j -le 5; $j++)
Write-host "Row Number in Keywordlist file = " $i
Write-host "Row Number in data Analysis file = " $j
$IncidentNumber = $WorkSheetDA.Cells.Item($j,1).text
$IncidentNumber = $IncidentNumber.Trim()
#Write-host "Incident Number = " $IncidentNumber
$ShortDescription = $WorkSheetDA.Cells.Item($j,4).text
#Write-host "Short Description = " $ShortDescription
if( ($ExludeIncidentNumbers -Contains $IncidentNumber))
#Write-host " Incident is already in Exclude list " $IncidentNumber
#$j= $j+1
if( (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Keyword1))) -and (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Keyword2))) -and (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Keyword3))))
Write-host "KeyWords are not empty "
if (($ShortDescription -like "*$Keyword1*") -and ($ShortDescription -like "*$Keyword2*") -and ($ShortDescription -like "*$Keyword3*"))
$finalData += $IncidentNumber + "=" + $Category + "=" + $SubCategory + "=" + $Keyword1 + "=" + $Keyword2 + "=" + $Keyword3
# $finalData += $ShortDescription
# $finalData += $Category
# $finalData += $SubCategory
$ExcludeRows += $j
$ExludeIncidentNumbers += $IncidentNumber
#Write-host "Keywords 1 , 2 & 3 are not found"
#$j= $j+1
Elseif( (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Keyword1))) -and (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Keyword2))) -and (([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Keyword3))))
#Write-host "KeyWord3 is empty "
if (($ShortDescription -like "*$Keyword1*") -and ($ShortDescription -like "*$Keyword2*"))
$finalData += $IncidentNumber + "=" + $Category + "=" + $SubCategory + "=" + $Keyword1 + "=" + $Keyword2
# $finalData += $ShortDescription
# $finalData += $Category
# $finalData += $SubCategory
$ExcludeRows += $j
$ExludeIncidentNumbers += $IncidentNumber
#Write-host "Keywords 1 & 2 is not found"
#$finalData += $IncidentNumber + ";" + $ShortDescription + ";" + $Category + ";" + "Other"
#$j= $j+1
Elseif( (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Keyword1))) -and (([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Keyword2))) -and (([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Keyword3))))
#Write-host "KeyWord2 & 3 are empty "
if (($ShortDescription -like "*$Keyword1*"))
$finalData += $IncidentNumber + "=" + $Category + "=" + $SubCategory + "=" + $Keyword1
# $finalData += $ShortDescription
# $finalData += $Category
# $finalData += $SubCategory
$ExcludeRows += $j
$ExludeIncidentNumbers += $IncidentNumber
#Write-host "Keywords 1 is not found"
#$finalData += $IncidentNumber + ";" + $ShortDescription + ";" + $Category + ";" + "Other"
#$j= $j+1
<# Else ( ( ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Keyword1))) -and (([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Keyword2))) -and ( ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Keyword3))))
<# $finalData += $IncidentNumber + ";" + $ShortDescription + ";" + $Category + ";" + "Other"
# $finalData += $ShortDescription
# $finalData += $Category
# $finalData += $SubCategory
$ExcludeRows += $j #>
#Write-host "Excuding Row number :" $ExcludeRows
#Write-Host "Exluded Incident numbers : " $ExludeIncidentNumbers
# $j= $j+1
#$i= $i+1
Write-Host "before " $finalData
$ResultFile = “$FolderPath\First-$FinalDataName”
Write-host $ResultFile
$finalData | Set-Content $ResultFile # Working one
$Endtime = Get-date
$TotalTimeTaken= $Endtime - $StartTime
Write-host “Total Time taken is :” $TotalTimeTaken