Powershell to search in excel returning different values not only row and colum


I am having some problems to try to implement this script. I have one big excel with several columns and I would like to search different values returning not only the row and column of that value but also other values of columns in that row. Usually the important column where the value is found is number 28 and I would like to have the data also in the same row of columns number 9 and 33, even to write all that output in a txt or dat.

Script to find in excel file .

$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

Function Search-Excel
Try {
# Open the target excel
$excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$workbook = $excel.Workbooks.Open($ExcelPath)

# iterate all sheets
$i = 0;
While ($i -lt $workbook.Sheets.Count) {
$curSheet = $workbook.Sheets.Item($i + 1)
$i += 1

$searchResults = Search-Sheet -Sheet $curSheet -SearchText $SearchText

Write-Host "Sheet: $($curSheet.Name)"
$searchResults | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host "Row: $($_.Row), Column: $($_.Column)"
Write-Host ""

# Release Excel Com Object resource
$excel.Visible = $true
Start-Sleep 5
[System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($excel) | Out-Null
} Catch {
Throw $_

Function Search-Sheet
$firstResult = $result = $Sheet.UsedRange.Find($SearchText)
$allResults = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

If ($firstResult -eq $null) {
Return $allResults

$processedResult = Compose-SearchResult -Result $result
$allResults.Add($processedResult) | Out-Null

$isSearchEnd = $false
Do {
$result = $Sheet.UsedRange.FindNext($result)
$isSearchEnd = Test-SearchResultSame -Result1 $result -Result2 $firstResult
If (-not $isSearchEnd) {
$processedResult = Compose-SearchResult -Result $result
$allResults.Add($processedResult) | Out-Null
} While (-not $isSearchEnd)

Return $allResults

Function Compose-SearchResult

$composedResult = New-Object -Type psobject
$composedResult | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Column -Value $Result.Column
$composedResult | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Row -Value $Result.Row
Return $composedResult

Function Test-SearchResultSame
Return ($Result1.Column -eq $Result2.Column) -and ($Result1.Row -eq $Result2.Row)

# 0. Prepare excel name and search text
$ExcelFilePath = "C:\Users\V3.xlsx"
$SearchText = "Windows"

Search-Excel -ExcelPath $ExcelFilePath -SearchText $SearchText

The outcome here is

Sheet: Book1
Row: 7745, Column: 27
Row: 7745, Column: 28
Row: 24671, Column: 27
Row: 24671, Column: 28
Row: 25319, Column: 27

And I would like to have also

Version : , Server: , Row: 7745, Column: 27,

Thank you

You would want to take a look at ImportExcel module.