Script review


I’m writing a script to uninstall windows ADK 8.1 and install ADK 10.

This function is to uninstall ADK 8.1. I would really value people’s opinion on the script and improvements or shortcuts. Thanks !

#region Uninistall AKD 8.1

Function Uninstall-ADK8.1 { #Step 1 check for existing install of Windows ADK 8.1


    write-verbose "This function will check for a install of Windows ADK 8.1 and unistall if     `nThis is to prepare for Install of Windows 10 ADK"
    { #Test for existing Install of Windows ADK 8.1
        if (test-path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1')
        #Find ADKsetup.exe in C:\ProgramData\Package Cache for uninstall
        $UninstallFolder = dir 'C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\' -Filter "adksetup*" -Recurse 
            if ($UninstallFolder -ne $null) #.Exists gives a boolean result
                Write-Verbose "file found"
           else {
                Write-Warning "ADKSetup to uninstall ADK 10 not found`n`n Terminating Uninstall process"

                    #Perform Uninstall
                    Write-Verbose "Windows ADK 10 exists on this machine, will uninstall`n"
                    write-warning ": Uninstalling ADK 8.1 ....."
                    Start-Process $($UninstallFolder.FullName) -ArgumentList '/quiet /uninstall /norestart' -Wait 
                             Write-Verbose "Uninstall complete, will clean up any existing folders....."

            #Perform check and removal of folder                      
                            #Set folder variables
                            $folder = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1'
                            $check = $folder | Test-Path
                            #Run Check
                            @{$true = Remove-Item -Path $folder -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; $false = 'Folder does not exist'}[$check -eq $true]
                            write-verbose "Done`n"  
            else #No action required
            Write-Verbose "No install of Windows ADK 8.1 in this machine"
    Write-Verbose "Ready for Install of ADK 10"

Here’s a start. I’ve written this out quickly, and so I’ll edit this post, and indicate I’ve done that, if there’s more I want to add. Hope this helps!

  1. For completeness, indicate you’re using the -Message parameter with Write-Verbose and Write-Warning, -Path with Test-Path, etc. In something that exists longer than a onetime use, such as a script or function, we want to use full cmdlet names and all the parameters, even if a cmdlet’s parameter will take a positional value.

  2. Don’t use aliases in your code: dir (see above and #6 below).

  3. I once heard someone say to use periods after comments, and even in Write-Verbose and Write-Warning messages. This helps to indicate to the user that everything printed (nothing was cutoff). I do it all the time now.

  4. Do you really need the subexpression operator around $UninstallFolder.FullName? I’d test without it, and remove it if it’s not needed. I’ve only used the subexpression operator when the value is part of a string (inside quotes). It seems it would work fine without it.

  5. If it was me, I wouldn’t bother piping $folder to Test-Path. Just use: Test-Path -Path $folder. I don’t use pipes unless there’s a need, or advantage, in the terms of speed. You only have one object in $folder, so I’d just use my example.

  6. Download PSScriptAnalyzer and test it against your function. It’ll help, and probably catch some of what I’ve mentioned so far.

Thanks Tommy, value your input. I’m interesting by point 3,

“3. I once heard someone say to use periods after comments, and even in Write-Verbose and Write-Warning messages. This helps to indicate to the user that everything printed (nothing was cutoff). I do it all the time now.”

Could you give an example please ?

This was just to say to end your comments and message with periods. This is up to the script/function author, but I thought I’d include it. I’m out to indicate that it’s just like any sentence we write, or read. Without a period, we wouldn’t know if the thought was complete, or if the author forgot

See? ^

#Perform Uninstall.
#Perform check and removal of folder.
Write-Verbose -Message ‘No install of Windows ADK 8.1 in this machine.’

It’s not a requirement, but I’ve started to do it, and thought I’d mention it.

Thank you Tommy.
The PSScriptAnalyzer is that the one on GitHub ?

Yes, the PSScriptAnalyzer module is available on GitHub.