Script resource for installing .Net frameworks


I posted on another thread, but thought I should create a separate topic for this instead.
So, I have written a custom Script resource to install .net 4.5.2. The steps in the SetScript portion work when executed in Powershell.
When run under DSC, however, the .Net installer does not get invoked. I’ve watched Task Manager to make sure.
I’ve tried 3 different ways to invoke the installer, you will see that 2 of them are currently commented out.

Since the silent install of .net 4.5.2, when invoked, returns immediately, I’ve included a check to determine when the install is completed.
Again, this all works outside of DSC.

Help Please?
SetScript = {
$filename = “NDP452-KB2901907-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe”
$httpdownload = “
$NetBuildVersion = “379893”

            $DnsDomain = (Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem).domain

            write-verbose "DnsDomain: $DnsDomain"

            switch -wildcard ($DnsDomain)
                "lab*" { $binpath="\\chelchengat10\public\FileShare\dotNetRedist\$filename"}
                "labtest*" { $binpath="\\chclappadfs02\cct_ops\DeploymentAutomation\bin\hotfixes\$filename"}
                default {$binpath="\\n\a"}
            if (!(test-path $binpath)){ 
                invoke-webrequest $httpdownload -OutFile C:\binroot\$filename

            write-verbose "Install Net 4.5.2 from $binpath"
            write-verbose "Executing $binpath /q /norestart"
            sleep 5 

            #Start-Process -FilePath $binpath -ArgumentList "/q /norestart" -Wait
            #Invoke-Expression -Command "$binpath /q /norestart"
            &$binpath  "/q" "/norestart"

            while ($isInstalled -ne $true){

                if (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full' | %{$_ -match 'Release'}){
                    if (( Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full').Release -le $NetBuildVersion){$isInstalled = $false}else{$isInstalled=$true}
                    write-verbose "Net 4.5.2 Installed Yet?: $isInstalled"
                    sleep 5



I assume you’re pushing this configuration. Please run Start-DscConfiguration with the -Wait and -Verbose switches and attached the relevant parts of the verbose output for the Script resource to this thread. Do you have a TestScript which returns $false if .NET 4.5 is not installed?


Yes, I’m running this directly on my ‘dev’ workstation to verify configuration before I apply to another server.

VERBOSE: [DEV001]: LCM: [ Start Resource ] [[Script]net451Install]
VERBOSE: [DEV001]: LCM: [ Start Test ] [[Script]net451Install]
VERBOSE: [DEV001]: LCM: [ End Test ] [[Script]net451Install] in 0.1090 seconds.
VERBOSE: [DEV001]: LCM: [ Skip Set ] [[Script]net451Install]
VERBOSE: [DEV001]: LCM: [ End Resource ] [[Script]net451Install]
VERBOSE: [DEV001]: LCM: [ Start Resource ] [[Script]net452Install]
VERBOSE: [DEV001]: LCM: [ Start Test ] [[Script]net452Install]
VERBOSE: [DEV001]: LCM: [ End Test ] [[Script]net452Install] in 0.0160 seconds.
VERBOSE: [DEV001]: LCM: [ Start Set ] [[Script]net452Install]
VERBOSE: [DEV001]: [[Script]net452Install] DnsDomain:
VERBOSE: [DEV001]: [[Script]net452Install] Install Net 4.5.2 from \server\public\FileShare\dotNetRedist\NDP452-KB2901907-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe
VERBOSE: [DEV001]: [[Script]net452Install] Executing \server\public\FileShare\dotNetRedist\NDP452-KB2901907-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe /q /norestart
VERBOSE: [DEV001]: [[Script]net452Install] Net 4.5.1 Installed Yet?: False
VERBOSE: [DEV001]: [[Script]net452Install] Net 4.5.1 Installed Yet?: False
VERBOSE: [DEV001]: [[Script]net452Install] Net 4.5.1 Installed Yet?: False
VERBOSE: [DEV001]: [[Script]net452Install] Net 4.5.1 Installed Yet?: False

See attached for full resource text.


I’m new here. But I also look into how to install the .Net 4.5.2 Framework.

Your script seems not run just by itself.

When i run the script from above I get the error “The term “Script” is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet”.

Can you privide more info how to run the script above?
