Saving Cmdlet results in a variable

This statement does not give me any results in my variable. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

$Exp = Get-ADUser -LDAPfilter {sAMAccountName -eq $Name} -Properties * | Select -ExpandProperty PasswordExpired

Try ditching the pipe to Select-Object, and see what you get. (Check to see the result when you run $Exp.PasswordExpired ,after making that change ).

Changed to Select-Object and still no results in my $Exp variable after the statement completes. I am not receiving any errors either. Thanks!

$Exp = Get-ADUser -LDAPfilter {sAMAccountName -eq $Name} -Properties * | Select-Object -ExpandProperty PasswordExpired

That’s not what I meant. :slight_smile: I just meant to get rid of the call to Select-Object entirely, to make sure you’re getting something back from Get-ADUser. (If there are no objects that match your filter, for example, then you’d get nothing.)

$Exp = Get-ADUser -LDAPfilter {sAMAccountName -eq $Name} -Properties *


The problem is that the LDAP filter you’re using isn’t an LDAP filter

To use an LDAP filter
Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter “(Name=Richard)”

To use a filter
Get-ADUser -Filter {Name -eq ‘Richard’}

You’re using the Filter (PowerShell) syntax with LDAPfilter instead of the LDAP search syntax

Removed the script that didn’t work. Reposting what worked at the end of the conversation.

I changed the code to:

$Exp = Get-ADUser -Filter {sAMAccountName -eq $Name} -Properties *


$Exp = Get-ADUser -LDAPfilter “(sAMAccountName=$Name)” -Properties *

I still do not get any results in my variable but it shows $Exp as being the Distinguished Name? Something is screwy! The $Name is populated just fine.

well, i’m not sure why your using the filter, you can do a straight get-aduser $name -properties passwordexpired

then $exp.passwordexpired does contain the value

If all you want is accounts with expired passwords look at using search-ADAccount

to search whole domain
Search-ADAccount -PasswordExpired

to search an OU
Search-ADAccount -PasswordExpired -SearchBase ‘OU=Testing,DC=Manticore,DC=org’

OK, here is what worked finally:

$attributes = ‘Name’,‘PasswordExpired’
$Test = Get-ADUser -Filter “sAMAccountName -eq ‘$SaName’” -SearchBase "$OU"`
-SearchScope Subtree -Properties $attributes | Select $attributes

Thanks everyone for your help!

Here is my finished script. This is my first script so I am sure there are lots of improvements to be made!:


Prompt for OU Selection for Report


$caption = “Please select OU to query”
$message = “Select OU to query”

$choices = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription] `
@(“&Moscow”, “&SST”, “&SST-Mgmt”)

[int]$defaultChoice = 0

$choiceRTN = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($caption,$message, $choices,$defaultChoice)

0 {
$OU = “OU=ou name,DC=ad,DC=somewhere,DC=org”
$LD = “LDAP://OU=ou name,DC=ad,DC=somewhere,DC=org”
$ShortOU = “A-OU”
1 {
$OU = “OU=ou name,DC=ad,DC=somewhere,DC=org”
$LD = “LDAP://OU=ou name,DC=ad,DC=somewhere,DC=org”
$ShortOU = “B-OU”
2 {
$OU = “OU=ou name,DC=ad,DC=somewhere,DC=org”
$LD = “LDAP://ou name,DC=ad,DC=somewhere,DC=org”
$ShortOU = “C-OU”


Specify number of days. Any users whose passwords expire within

this many days after today will be processed.

$intDays = 90


Retrieve Domain maximum password age policy, in days.


$D = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetCurrentDomain()
$Domain = [ADSI]“LDAP://$D”
$MPA = $Domain.maxPwdAge.Value


Convert to Int64 ticks (100-nanosecond intervals).

$lngMaxPwdAge = $Domain.ConvertLargeIntegerToInt64($MPA)


Convert to days.

$MaxPwdAge = -$lngMaxPwdAge/(600000000 * 1440)


Determine the password last changed date such that the password

would just now be expired. We will not process any users whose

password has already expired.


$Now = Get-Date
$Date1 = $Now.AddDays(-$MaxPwdAge)


Determine the password last changed date such the password

will expire $intDays in the future.


$Date2 = $Now.AddDays($intDays - $MaxPwdAge)


Convert from PowerShell ticks to Active Directory ticks.


$64Bit1 = $Date1.Ticks - 504911232000000000
$64Bit2 = $Date2.Ticks - 504911232000000000

$Searcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
$Searcher.PageSize = 100
$Searcher.SearchScope = “subtree”


Filter on user objects where:

~the password expires between the dates specified

~the account is not disabled

~password never expires is not set

~password not required is not set

~password cannot change is not set.


$Searcher.Filter = “(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)” `
+ “(pwdLastSet>=” + $($64Bit1) + “)” `
+ "(pwdLastSet $Null
$Searcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add(“distinguishedName”) > $Null
$Searcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add(“pwdLastSet”) > $Null


Only search the specified OU.


$Searcher.SearchRoot = “$LD”

$Results = $Searcher.FindAll()


Build Report

ForEach ($Result In $Results)
# Clear variables at top of loop

$Test =$Check = $Status = $Name = $Null

# Retrieve attribute values for this user

$SaName = $Result.Properties.Item("sAMAccountName")
$DN = $Result.Properties.Item("distinguishedName")
$PLS = $Result.Properties.Item("pwdLastSet")

# Retrieve PasswordExpired Calculated Value

$attributes = 'Name','PasswordExpired'
$Test = Get-ADUser -Filter "sAMAccountName -eq '$SaName'" -SearchBase "$OU"`
 -SearchScope Subtree -Properties $attributes | Select $attributes
$Check = $Test.PasswordExpired.ToString()
$Name = $Test.Name.ToString()

If ($PLS.Count -eq 0)
    $Date = [DateTime]0


 # Interpret 64-bit integer as a date.

    $Date = [DateTime]$PLS.Item(0)

 # If User Password is Expired show "Expired" for this user's status else "OK"
 Switch ($Check)
     "false" {$Status = "OK" ; break}
     "true" {$Status = "Expired!" ; break}

 # Convert from .NET ticks to Active Directory Integer8 ticks.
 # Also, convert from UTC to local time.

    $PwdLastSet = $Date.AddYears(1600).ToLocalTime()

 # Determine when password expires.

    $PwdExpires = $PwdLastSet.AddDays($MaxPwdAge)

 # Output Report in CSV Format

  New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property @{
        PasswordExpDate = $PwdExpires
        PwdStatus = "$Status"
        Name = "$Name"
        sAMAccountName = "$SaName"
        DN = "$DN"   

 } | Export-Csv -Path C:\TestFiles\"$ShortOU"_UserPasswordStatus_$((Get-Date).ToString('MM-dd-yyyy')).csv -NoTypeInformation -Append 

$ErrorMessage = $.Exception.Message
$FailedItem = $
$ErrorActionPreference = “Inquire”


If ($Results -ne $Null)
# Notify user that Report has completed processing
$Pop = new-object -comobject
$Box = $Pop.popup(“The report finished successfully!”,30,“Status”,1)
# Notify user that Report was not created
$Pop = new-object -comobject
$Box = $Pop.popup(“No Accounts were identified. No report was generated.”,30,“Status”,1)