I am trying to change a string using replace command:
$BackupFolder = 'E:\SQLBackups\MYSQLSRV'
$filename = ‘E:\SQLBackups\MYSQLSRV\Daily\mydb.bak.zip’
$S3filename = $filename -replace ‘$BackupFolder’
$s3Folder = ‘SRVNAME’
$S3filename3 = $filename -replace 'Daily', 'Daily$s3Folder'
The first replace does nothing, the second returns an error:
The regular expression pattern Daily\ is not valid.
At line:1 char:1
+ $S3filename3 = $filename -replace 'Daily', ‘Daily$s3Folder’
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (Daily:String) , RuntimeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvalidRegularExpression
All I want to do is to remove the first part of the string and insert $s3Folder value after 'Daily' string.
Any ideas?
The -replace operator uses regular expressions. Backslash in regex is an escape character by itself so simply escape it with another backslash to match a single. Take a look at the following example with -match, another operator that uses regex.
'abc\def' -match '\' # error: illegal \ at end of pattern
'abc\def' -match '\\' # true
Now that we understand that, we can make either work as desired. Let’s use your second example.
$filename = 'E:\SQLBackups\MYSQLSRV\Daily\mydb.bak.zip'
$s3Folder = 'SRVNAME'
$S3filename3 = $filename -replace 'Daily\\', 'Daily\$s3Folder\'
$S3filename3 # Now E:\SQLBackups\MYSQLSRV\Daily\$s3Folder\mydb.bak.zip
You can also use [regex]::escape() and it will handle escaping characters that require it.
$BackupFolder = 'E:\SQLBackups\MYSQLSRV\'
$filename = 'E:\SQLBackups\MYSQLSRV\Daily\mydb.bak.zip'
$S3filename = $filename -replace [regex]::Escape("$BackupFolder") # Now Daily\mydb.bak.zip
Note that since it was a variable we had to change the single quotes to double quotes for the variable to expand properly.
Two quick other adds. Single qoutes are literal and will not expand $s3Folder, use double qoutes:
PS C:\Users\rasim> $fileName = 'C:\Daily\FooFah.txt'
$s3Folder = 'SRVNAME'
$S3filename3 = $filename -replace 'Daily\\', 'Daily\$s3Folder\'
PS C:\Users\rasim> $fileName = 'C:\Daily\FooFah.txt'
$s3Folder = 'SRVNAME'
$S3filename3 = $filename -replace 'Daily\\', "Daily\$s3Folder\"
Next, as Doug mentioned, -replace uses regex, but there is also the string method replace that does not require an escape:
PS C:\Users\rasim> $fileName = 'C:\Daily\FooFah.txt'
$s3Folder = 'SRVNAME'
$S3filename3 = $filename.Replace('Daily\', "Daily\$s3Folder\")