remove files from zipped folders

Hi all,

well i have suffered for many days to get this code for my case but unfortunately i failed:(

i want to go on target path folder which contains about 500 zipped files then open each on of them and delete one folder and another single file

as shown on below link

open Zip filder —> go on (xl) folder —> delete (queryTables) and (connections.xml)

any help or hint please

Thanks in advance

Do you have code that works up to a point?

If you are trying to work with zip files powershell 5 does have some commands to help. see

This will delete the folder and file from your zips.

$zip = Get-ChildItem \\path\to\zips -Filter *.zip
add-type -AssemblyName 'System.IO.Compression.filesystem'

# Change zip file
foreach ($z in $zip){
    Write-Verbose "Updating $($" -Verbose
    $tempz = [io.compression.zipfile]::Open($z.FullName,'Update')
    $entry = $tempz.Entries | Where-Object {
    $_.fullname -match 'queryTables|connections.xml'}
    foreach ($e in $entry){$e.Delete()}


well at the first thanks for your reply and code

but when i used it i found that error msg below

any idea why??

and i already have “System.IO.Compression.FileSystem.dll” on my “.NETFramework\v4.5” folder



Check PSVersion and CLRVersion (.NET Version)
What versions of PowerShell and .NET are installed? I tested it with PS:3.0 / CLR:4.0.30319.42000.
Update .NET and at least to PS 3.0

oh works perfect now, really i don’t find enough words to thank you

one more request please and anyway don’t push your self to answer if you are busy

i’m looking now to add (.zip) to all files at target path folder to be zipped manually and individually

then i want to reverse this process with another code, delete (.zip) to all individually too

for ex,

Test.xls —> —> Test.xls

and to be applied on many files at target path folder

can it be

Thanks in advance


well i think i got it finally :smiley: :smiley:

Dir *.xls | rename-item -newname { [io.path]::ChangeExtension($, “”) }

Thanks a lot for your care