Remote/Silent installation of SQL CU and/or SSMS

IF possible, can I automate the transfer then installation of SQL Server (and separately SSMS) ?

I have 2 code snippets, a) Install SSMS b) Attempt to silently install SQL Server CU, neither install


#Requires -RunAsAdministrator


param (

[parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

[int]$WriteLog = 0


if(-not $PSScriptRoot) {

$PSScriptRoot = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent


$username = “ad\xxxxxxxx”

$password = Get-Content 'c:\scripts\securestring.txt ’ | ConvertTo-SecureString

$cred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $username, $password

$Server = “xxxxxxxx”

$remotePath = "\$Server\c$\sqltemp\Patches"


$msg = “”

$args = @()

$args += “/install /quiet /norestart”


if($WriteLog -eq 1) {

$args += “/log SSMS_$(Get-Date -Format `"yyyyMMdd_HHmm`”).txt"

$msg = “InstallationLog: $PSScriptRoot\SSMS_$(Get-Date -Format `"yyyyMMdd_HHmm`”).txt"


Create SSL/TLS secure channel

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

Start the download

Write-Host “Download starting! Please wait…”

$ProgressPreference = ‘SilentlyContinue’

$Domain = “Download SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) - SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) | Microsoft Docs

$url = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Domain -UseBasicParsing).Links

$members = ($url | Get-Member).Name

$filter = @()

if ($members -match ‘innerHTML’) {

$filter = ‘innerHTML’

}elseif ($members -match ‘outerHTML’) {

$filter = ‘outerHTML’


$href = ($url | Where-Object $filter -Match “Download SQL Server Management Studio”).href | Select-Object -First 1

$job = Start-BitsTransfer -Source $href -DisplayName SSMS -Destination “\$Server\C$\sqltemp\Patches\SSMS-Setup-ENU.exe” -Asynchronous


while (($Job.JobState -eq “Transferring”) -or ($Job.JobState -eq “Connecting”)) {

Start-Sleep 5;

} # Poll for status, sleep for 5 seconds, or perform an action.


Switch($Job.JobState) {

“Transferred” { Complete-BitsTransfer -BitsJob $Job; Write-Output “Download completed!” }

“Error” { $Job | Format-List } # List the errors.

default { Write-Output “You need to re-run the script, there is a problem with the proxy or Microsoft has changed the download link!”; Exit } # Perform corrective action.



We close running SSMS processes

if (Get-Process ‘Ssms’) {

Stop-Process -Name Ssms



Install silently

Write-Output “Performing silent install…”

Start-Process -FilePath “$remotePath\SSMS-Setup-ENU.exe” -ArgumentList $args -Wait -Verb RunAs

Invoke-Command -Credential $Cred -ScriptBlock { & Start-Process “\$Server\C$\Sqltemp\Patches\SSMS-Setup-ENU.exe” -wait -verb runas; write-host “Done”}

Write-Output $msg

Write-Output “All done!”



Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

$RootHotfixPath = 'C:\Users\xxxxxxxx\Desktop'


$Hotfixes = @(‘ssms_setup_enu.exe’)


$Servers = Get-Content ‘C:\Scripts\SQL_Servers.txt’

$Servers = @(aServer)


$switches = "/install /quiet /norestart "


$username = “ad\xxxxxxxx”

$password = Get-Content 'c:\scripts\securestring.txt ’ | ConvertTo-SecureString

$cred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $username, $password


Enable-PSRemoting -Force


foreach ($Server in $Servers)


Write-Host “Processing $Server…”

$needsReboot = $False

$remotePath = "\$Server\c$\sqltemp\Patches"


if( ! (Test-Connection $Server -Count 1 -Quiet))


Write-Warning “$Server is not accessible”



if(!(Test-Path $remotePath))


New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $remotePath | Out-Null



foreach ($Hotfix in $Hotfixes)


Write-Host “thotfix: $Hotfix”

$HotfixPath = "$RootHotfixPath" + $Hotfix

Write-Host $Hotfixpath

Write-Host $remotePath

Copy-Item $Hotfixpath $remotePath


Write-Host $Server

Enter-PSSession -ComputerName $Server -Credential $cred

Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Server -ScriptBlock { & $HotfixPath -ArgumentList ‘’ }


Write-Host “& C:\Windows\PsExec -s \$Server wusa C:\Temp\Patches$Hotfix /quiet /norestart”

Write-Host "Last Exitcode : " + $LastExitCode

if ($LastExitCode -eq 3010) {

$needsReboot = $true





Delete local copy of update packages

Remove-Item $remotePath -Force -Recurse



Write-Host “Restarting $Server…”

Restart-Computer -ComputerName $Server -Force -Confirm




Yes, you should be able to do that. Can I suggest wrapping your code in the [ pre ] and [ /pre ] tags, so it formats correctly?