Read powershell output

How to read the powershell output from a variable like below which is not properly formatted.


> $description

Alert: KNA Application error rate is high
<p style="box-sizing:borde r-box;"></p><p style="box-sizing:border-box;">Alert ID:&nbsp;68191403bc3b3bff7e9e9dc32e755dfcaf585979</p><p style="box- sizing:border-box;">Source:&nbsp;LogAnalytics</p><p style="box-sizing:border-box;">Qu ery:&nbsp;let window = 15m; let threshhold = 85; union workspace('df8524f4-72d6-48bf-bb6e-60320621d1ec').CF_HttpStartStop_CL,workspace('1d5cd2c8-8461-430 0-b5c0-b50eaa69b0ab').CF_HttpStartStop_CL,workspace('e65f915e-d3c4-471b-89eb-3613cd1f3c54').CF_HttpStartStop_CL,workspace('998825ae-9217-45f0-9bcd-60240936a734').CF_HttpS tartStop_CL,workspace('ff3815e3-d9ab-43c4-ac7f-f7cf82a67acc').CF_HttpStartStop_CL,workspace('70d40933-9fb1-4afe-9c05-3d142430c105').CF_HttpStartStop_CL,workspace('df8524f 4-72d6-48bf-bb6e-60320621d1ec').CF_HttpStartStop_CL,workspace('1d5cd2c8-8461-4300-b5c0-b50eaa69b0ab').CF_HttpStartStop_CL | where TimeGenerated &gt;= ago(window) | where ApplicationName_s == 'alliance-platform-notifications-prod' or ApplicationName_s == 'alliance-platform-notifications-New' | extend statuscode_s=tostring(toint(StatusCode_ d)) | summarize rate=(countif(statuscode_s == '200' or statuscode_s == '404' or statuscode_s == '401')*100)/count() by ApplicationName_s, Environment_s | where rate &lt;= threshhold | project Resource=strcat('Error rate is high in application', ' - ',ApplicationName_s,' - ',' | In Region',' - ',Environment_s)</p><p style="box-sizing:borde r-box;">AlertSeverity:&nbsp;SEV C</p><p style="box-sizing:border-box;">MonitorConditi on:&nbsp;AlertFramework</p><p style="box-sizing:border-box;">QueryResponse:</p><table style="box-sizing:border-box; border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0px;margin:0px;">Resou rceError rate is high in application - alliance-platform-notifications-prod - | In Region - krError rate is high in application - alliance-platform-notifications-prod - | In Region - eu<p style="box-sizing:border-box;">Resource:&nbsp;Error rate is high in application - all iance-platform-notifications-prod - | In Region - eu</p><br>

When you post code, error messages, sample data or console output format it as code, please.

Here you can read how it works: Guide to Posting Code

Please edit your already existing post - do not create a new one.

And you may share the code you used to produce this output. It may help answering your question. Most of the time it is better to create the output you’re after the way ou want it in the first place.

Thanks in advance.

[quote quote=289441]When you post code, error messages, sample data or console output format it as code, please.

Here you can read how it works: Guide to Posting Code

Please edit your already existing post – do not create a new one.

And you may share the code you used to produce this output. It may help answering your question. Most of the time it is better to create the output you’re after the way ou want it in the first place.

Thanks in advance.

The above is not a code .That is the output stored in a variable.I just wanted to know how to select some text /line from that variable.

This depends on how you are populating the variable. The variable appears to be HTML, so there are ways to populate and parse that with HTML DOM. Post the code that is populating the variable.

I did not say it is code. When you carefully read my answer again you will see that I asked you to format console output as code as well. :wink:

Anyway. I think it would be helpful when you share the code you used to get this output.