by dagr8tim at 2012-08-31 09:16:42
I just started rewriting some of my bat scripts that I use for minor or time consuming tasks to power shell. While doing that, I realized I have some duplicate scripts. I manage multiple tiers of servers and have to routinely perform what is the same task on different tiers. A simple example is restarting a service on a remote machine. Up until now, I have had a script for each tier. I’d like to find a way that when you launch the script, you get prompted with a radio button, and based on your selection it performs the task in that DonJ at 2012-08-31 09:30:36
I’ve been reading everything I can find and I can’t find anyone that shows the basic syntax for doing this. Does anyone have a code snippet I can borrow that illustrates this?
Well… it’s a bit more complex than that. You need to create the dialog (form), populate it with the radio button and any labels, put an Ok button, code that button… it’s fairly involved. Have you looked at a tool like PowerShell Studio from SAPIEN? It’s designed to do that kind of GUI-flavored stuff, and make it a bit dagr8tim at 2012-08-31 09:32:56
Alternately… if you’re looking for just a text-based multiple-choice prompt in PowerShell, that’s straightforward.
[quote="DonJ"]Well… it’s a bit more complex than that. You need to create the dialog (form), populate it with the radio button and any labels, put an Ok button, code that button… it’s fairly involved. Have you looked at a tool like PowerShell Studio from SAPIEN? It’s designed to do that kind of GUI-flavored stuff, and make it a bit poshoholic at 2012-08-31 09:40:23
Alternately… if you’re looking for just a text-based multiple-choice prompt in PowerShell, that’s straightforward.[/quote]
I realize I could manually type the name or some varient of it and get what I need. I may try that afterall. I was hoping this was like 5 lines of code.
The answer to this depends on how many choices you have. If you have a small number of choices, you can do this:by dagr8tim at 2012-08-31 10:02:08
[script=powershell]$choice = $host.UI.PromptForChoice('What do you want to do?','Indicate what you want to do by choosing one of the following options]]@('Watch a &movie','Play a &game','Do some &work','Get some &sleep'),2)
switch ($choice) {
0 {
'I love movies. What are we going to watch?'
1 {
Start-Process ''
2 {
'Really? Booooring.'
3 {
foreach ($second in 1…10) {
Write-Progress -Activity 'Sleeping…' -Status ('Z'$second)
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
'Was that long enough?'
If you have many choices though or if you want the choices listed vertically, you’ll have to use another mechanism that accepts any input, like this:
[script=powershell]$choice = Read-Host -Prompt @'
Indicate what you want to do by choosing one of the following options:
[M] Watch a movie
[G] Play a game
[W] Do some work (Default)
[S] Get some sleep
What do you want to do?
switch ($choice) {
'M' {
'I love movies. What are we going to watch?'
'G' {
Start-Process ''
'W' {
'Really? Booooring.'
'S' {
foreach ($second in 1…10) {
Write-Progress -Activity 'Sleeping…' -Status ('Z'$second)
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
'Was that long enough?'
default {
'I''m sorry, Dave. I''m afraid I can''t do that.'
With this approach, it’s up to you to handle looping if you want for invalid input. You will probably also want an option to exit the choice selection process if it’s going to loop until it gets something valid.
I have 2 to 3 choices per script. Thanks for the code snippet.