PS script to create outlook email delay send only to external users

Hi Team,

I am looking to create a rule in outlook client app using PS script so I can deploy them to all the users outlook app remotely.

condition: Delay send email only to external users by 1 min

I tried many articles and I can’t find the script which am looking for.

can anyone please provide me solution?

Thank you

Hi there,

First, I’d consider if this is something that’s absolutely necessary. What do you gain by doing something like this? What is the business need and what problem does it solve?

Generally, rules can be created using New-InboxRule. However, I don’t see defer delivery as an option/property, perhaps because it seems to be a client-side rule. This of course is a huge caveat as the client needs to be running for the rule to work.

My guess is, this is possible but likely would need to run on each client you’d want it on, and you may need to use a COM object to do it.

Take a look at this: Scripting Office with PowerShell: Creating Outlook Rules (

You may want to manually create a rule, and look at it that rule to get some hints on how to create a client side rule using COM


Thanks for your reply.
I have ended up with Manual way of implementing since few users dont want that feature.
Thank you for getting back.
