PS Out_String | object converted to string | Internet explorer refreshing page

Hi all,

Hi I’m new PowerShell but have enjoyed learning on this code.

I have put together a script that refreshes a internet explorer 11 (IE 11) every 15 seconds if it currently isn’t in use/in the foreground.

The problem I have is comparing the foreground processName (read into variable $check) and the string I have “iexplorer” (which is the processName for IE 11).

I currently have the code using Out-String but seems to not converting ProcessName to a string (variable $check).

add-type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms     
###Variables to Adjust####
$timeoutSeconds = 15 #adjust to how many seconds it takes the login to expire...
$checkIncrement = 3 #adjust - how many seconds each time to check
$appName = "iexplore"

$ie = New-Object -ComObject "InternetExplorer.Application"  
$ie.Visible = $true

#Write-Output $appName
start-sleep -Milliseconds 300

$code = @'
     public static extern IntPtr GetForegroundWindow();
Add-Type $code -Name Utils -Namespace Win32

    $hwnd = [Win32.Utils]::GetForegroundWindow()
    #Get Active Window
    $check = Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.mainWindowHandle -eq $hwnd } | Select-Object processName | Out-String

    $timer = 0

    ###Check which window is "active" (which is foreground window)
    while ($check -eq $appName)
        start-sleep -Seconds $checkIncrement
	#increment timer
        $timer +=1
        #update active window.
	$check = Get-Process | 
        Where-Object { $_.mainWindowHandle -eq $hwnd } | 
        Select-Object processName #, MainWindowTItle, MainWindowHandle | Out-String
        #check timeout
        Write-Output $timer
        if ($timer > $timeoutSeconds)
    sleep -Seconds $checkIncrement
While ($i -ne 0)

Thanks in advanced for your help!