PS 2.0 Join Domain

I’m trying to add a computer to the domain via PS 2.0 but everytime I run the script I get

Add-Computer : This command cannot be executed on target computer (‘ComputerName’) due to following error: The parameter is incorrect.
At C:.…

  • Add-Computer <<<< -DomainName domain.local -Cred $cre -Unsecure
    * CategoryInfo : InvalidOperations: (ComputerName:String) [Add-Computer], InvalidOperationException
    * FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvalidOperationsException.Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.AddComputerCommand

HEre is the script I have

#Gather Computer Type
$floorou = Read-Host 'What floor will the user be in:'
$ComputerOU = 'ou='+$floorou+',ou=Computers,ou=city,dc=domain,dc=local'
#Gather Info
$Username = Read-Host 'Employee Username'

# get the credential 
$cred = get-credential

# enter the computer in the right place

Add-Computer -DomainName domain.local -Credential $cred -OUPath $ComputerOU -Unsecure

Using -Unsecure on the Add-Computer was causing the issue