
Hello again, folks! So again I seemed to have run into an issue with perhaps the logic or I a missing some key code (the code listed below is simply for testing at this point and does not represent its completeness.) So basically what I am trying to do is have a buttonClick event fire of a Foreach event and display its progress - simple. It seems to work - mostly, however, the progress bar when progressing through foreach statement is completing before the script is complete. Basically, whether an error exists on each item ($? = $true) or not ($? = $false) then performstep(). What am I missing and would this be the mos efficient way of writing the code?

$progressbaroverlay1.TextOverlay = ‘Uninstalling…’
$progressbaroverlay1.Value = 0
$progressbaroverlay1.Maximum = 100
$this.Enabled = $false
$installedAppList = Get-Content “\SCCM-MPS\F\SoftwareDeployments\PowershellScripts\referenceFiles\appList_MSO2013Upgrade.txt”

for($i = 0; $i -lt $progressbaroverlay1.Maximum; $i++){

foreach ($appInstalled in $installedAppList){
                    $app = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $appInstalled} 
			if($? -eq $false){
			if($? -eq $true){
				Write-Host "$appInstalled is not installed."
$progressbaroverlay1.TextOverlay='Uninstall complete!'
$this.enabled = $true



Again, thank is advance!

How many items are in your $installedAppList collection? Your progress bar is hard-coded for 100 “steps” right now, but ideally, you’d set the Maximum to $installedAppList.Count.

I’d recommend changing this code:


if($? -eq $false){

if($? -eq $true){
    Write-Host "$appInstalled is not installed."

The problem here is that the value of $? changes as soon as you execute $progressbaroverlay1.PerformStep(), so you’ll wind up executing the code in both conditionals every time. At the very least, change it to an if/else construct, or even better, just move the call to PerformStep() out of the conditionals (since it’s done no matter what):


if ($? -eq $true) {
    Write-Host "$appInstalled is not installed."


Opinions vary on whether to use $? for error checking at all, but this is at least a step in the right direction.

Thanks, Dave. In changing it the way you described ( and it makes sense to move it outside of the conditional) I now get no progress in the progress bar. Any more ideas? I really appreciate your help on this - thank you.


$progressbaroverlay1.TextOverlay = 'Uninstalling...'
    $progressbaroverlay1.Value = 0
    $progressbaroverlay1.Maximum = $installedAppList.Count
    $this.Enabled = $false
$installedAppList = Get-Content "\\SCCM-MPS\F\SoftwareDeployments\PowershellScripts\referenceFiles\appList_MSO2013Upgrade.txt"
	foreach ($appInstalled in $installedAppList){
		$app = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $appInstalled} 
		if($? -eq $false){
			Write-Host "$appInstalled is not installed."
	$progressbaroverlay1.TextOverlay='Uninstall complete!'
	$this.enabled = $true


I guess “code” is not the tag to use… What is the tag you used to display the code in your post?

The CODE tag is fine for single line stuff, but mostly I use PRE (and I have to type the tags manually, since none of the buttons on the forum do that).

The only problem I see right now is that you’re calling this line:

$progressbaroverlay1.Maximum = $installedAppList.Count

Before this one:

$installedAppList = Get-Content "\\SCCM-MPS\F\SoftwareDeployments\PowershellScripts\referenceFiles\appList_MSO2013Upgrade.txt"

You need to create the $installedAppList collection before you check its Count. :slight_smile:

Ah! The tag make pre makes sense (can you tell I do not post often?) :slight_smile:

So after your recommendation (logic gets me every time) something strange is happening; after the first foreach loop the progress bar does not move, however, after the second loop processes the bar moves, it just moves a 1/4th of the way up the bar and continues that jump through the next 2-3 loops at which the bar is then maxed. There are 33 items in the $installedAppList so it should definitely not move 1/4th. When I originally set the $progressbaroverlay.maximum value I was thinking in terms of percent (thank goodness for guys like you.)

	$progressbaroverlay1.TextOverlay = 'Uninstalling...'
        $progressbaroverlay1.Value = 0
	$this.Enabled = $false
	$installedAppList = Get-Content "\\SCCM-MPS\F\SoftwareDeployments\PowershellScripts\referenceFiles\appList_MSO2013Upgrade.txt"
	$progressbaroverlay1.Maximum = $installedAppList.Count

	foreach ($appInstalled in $installedAppList){
		$app = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $appInstalled} 
			if($? -eq $false){
				Write-Host "$appInstalled is not installed."
	$progressbaroverlay1.TextOverlay='Uninstall complete!'
	$this.enabled = $true

Now you’re going to make me go learn about Windows Forms or something. :stuck_out_tongue: My answers so far have been just general observations of the code, not based on actual tests.

Looks like you need to set the Step property of your progress bar to 1; the default is 10.

    $progressbaroverlay1.TextOverlay = 'Uninstalling...'
    $progressbaroverlay1.Value = 0
    $progressbaroverlay1.Step = 1
    $this.Enabled = $false
    $installedAppList = Get-Content "\\SCCM-MPS\F\SoftwareDeployments\PowershellScripts\referenceFiles\appList_MSO2013Upgrade.txt"
    $progressbaroverlay1.Maximum = $installedAppList.Count
    foreach ($appInstalled in $installedAppList){
        $app = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $appInstalled} 

        if($? -eq $false){
            Write-Host "$appInstalled is not installed."
    $progressbaroverlay1.Value = $progressbaroverlay1.Maximum
    $progressbaroverlay1.TextOverlay='Uninstall complete!'
    $this.enabled = $true

You, sir, are a genius. It pays to be resourceful and not just have someone give you the answers… Next time I will use my resources. I was using the Sapien forums and documentation but just couldn’t figure it out. We are now progressing through the loop! Thank you very much for all your assistance.