Progress Bar (Write-Progress) in a Foreach statement and Getting Null problems

I’m try to get a Progress bar for a foreach loop. It starts over when last foreach name in variable $nic. I have atached both the section of the code that is not working and the complete script.

Code Block that is not working

$vminfo = @()

foreach ($nic in $nics) {

$progressCount = 0

for($i = 0; $i -le $Users.Count; $i++) {

# Just writes status

Write-Progress -Id 0 -Activity "Collecting VM info" -Status "$progressCount of $($nics.Count)" -PercentComplete (($progressCount / $nics.Count) * 100)

$vminfo += ($nic)[$i] | Select-Object -Property *


                        $rg = $vm.ResourceGroupName

                        $size = $vm.HardwareProfile.VmSize

                         ##### Custom Object#####

                        $nicint = Get-AzNetworkInterface -name $

                        $vm = $vms | ? -Property Id -eq $

                        $vminfo += (

                        [pscustomobject][ordered] @{

                        VMName = $vm.Name

                        VmSize = $vm.HardwareProfile.VmSize

                        "CPU(S)" = ($vmsizelist | ? {$ -eq $size}).numberOfCores

                        Memory = ($vmsizelist | ? {$ -eq $size}).memoryinmb

                        OsType = $vm.StorageProfile.OsDisk.OsType

                        ResourceGroupName = $vm.ResourceGroupName

                        Region = $vm.Location

                        NicName = $nic.Name -join ",  "

                        PrivateIpAddress = $nic.IpConfigurations.PrivateIpAddress

                        VirtualNetwork = $nic.IpConfigurations.subnet.Id.Split("/")[-3]

                        Subnet = $nic.IpConfigurations.subnet.Id.Split("/")[-1]

                        NSG = $nicint.NetworkSecurityGroup.Id.Split("/")[-1] -join ",  "


                        $vminfo | Export-Excel -WorksheetName VMINFO -path $path\$reportName</pre>
Getting null when I try to import names from a cmdlet so I have to export to csv and pull back in for it to work.
$nsgnamesout = (Get-AzNetworkSecurityGroup).name  | out-file $rpttemp\nsgnames.txt

$nsgnameins = get-content -Path C:\temp\temp\nsgnames.txt

Here is the complete script

Version 1

VMName | VmSize | CPU(S) | Memory | DiskName | Disk Size | OsType | ResourceGroupName | Region | NicName | PrivateIpAddress | VirtualNetwork | Subnet

Version 2

Exports all NSG

Version 3

Split VMinfo, Disk, and NSG into Different tabs


$date = get-date -Format MM-dd-yy

$customername = read-host -Prompt “Enter Customer Name”

$reportName = “$customername-VMinfo-$date.xls”

$path = “c:\temp”

$vms = Get-AzVM

$rg = $vms.ResourceGroupName

$nics = Get-AzNetworkInterface | ? { $_.VirtualMachine -NE $null}

Get all the VM CPU and Memory

$vmsizelist = Get-AzVMSize -Location ‘EASTUS’

($vmsizelist | ? {$ -eq $size}).memoryinmb

$rpttemp = "c:\temp\rpttemp"

if (Test-Path $path$reportName) {

Remove-Item -force $path\$reportName}

if (Test-Path $path$rpttemp) {

write-host “nsg name folder Path Found”}

else { (Test-Path $path$reporttmp)

write-host Creating nsgname folder

New-Item -ItemType “directory” -Path $rpttemp}

$vminfo = @()

foreach ($nic in $nics) {

$progressCount = 0

for($i = 0; $i -le $Users.Count; $i++) {

# Just writes status

Write-Progress -Id 0 -Activity "Collecting VM info" -Status "$progressCount of $($nics.Count)" -PercentComplete (($progressCount / $nics.Count) * 100)

$vminfo += ($nic)[$i] | Select-Object -Property *


                        $rg = $vm.ResourceGroupName

                        $size = $vm.HardwareProfile.VmSize

                         ##### Custom Object#####

                        $nicint = Get-AzNetworkInterface -name $

                        $vm = $vms | ? -Property Id -eq $

                        $vminfo += (

                        [pscustomobject][ordered] @{

                        VMName = $vm.Name

                        VmSize = $vm.HardwareProfile.VmSize

                        "CPU(S)" = ($vmsizelist | ? {$ -eq $size}).numberOfCores

                        Memory = ($vmsizelist | ? {$ -eq $size}).memoryinmb

                        OsType = $vm.StorageProfile.OsDisk.OsType

                        ResourceGroupName = $vm.ResourceGroupName

                        Region = $vm.Location

                        NicName = $nic.Name -join ",  "

                        PrivateIpAddress = $nic.IpConfigurations.PrivateIpAddress

                        VirtualNetwork = $nic.IpConfigurations.subnet.Id.Split("/")[-3]

                        Subnet = $nic.IpConfigurations.subnet.Id.Split("/")[-1]

                        NSG = $nicint.NetworkSecurityGroup.Id.Split("/")[-1] -join ",  "


                        $vminfo | Export-Excel -WorksheetName VMINFO -path $path\$reportName


Get All Disk


$vmdiskinfo = @()

foreach ($nic in $nics) {

$rg = $vm.ResourceGroupName

$size = $vm.HardwareProfile.VmSize

$osdisk =((get-azvm -resourcegroupname $rg -name $vm.Name).StorageProfile)

$osdisksize = ((get-azvm -resourcegroupname $rg -name $vm.Name).StorageProfile).OSDisk.DiskSizeGB

$datadiskname = ((get-azvm -resourcegroupname $rg -name $vm.Name).StorageProfile).DataDisks.Name -join ", "

$datadisksize = ((get-azvm -resourcegroupname $rg -name $vm.Name).StorageProfile).DataDisks.DiskSizeGb -join ", "

$vm = $vms | ? -Property Id -eq $

                  $vmdiskinfo += (

                  [pscustomobject][ordered] @{

                  VMName = $vm.Name

                  OSDisk = $osdisk

                  OSDiskSize = $osdisksize

                  DataDisk = $datadiskname

                  DataDiskSize = $datadisksize




$vmdiskinfo | Export-Excel -WorksheetName DISKS -path $path$reportName


Get All NSG


$nsgconfigs = @()

$nsgnamesout = (Get-AzNetworkSecurityGroup).name | out-file $rpttemp\nsgnames.txt

$nsgnameins = get-content -Path C:\temp\temp\nsgnames.txt

Foreach ($nsgsg in $nsgnameins) {

$nsgconfigs += ( Get-AzNetworkSecurityGroup -Name $nsgsg | Get-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig )


$NsgRuleSet = @()

foreach ($nsg in $nsgconfigs) {

$ASGGroupNameSource = $ -replace ‘.*/’

$ASGGroupNameDestination = $ -replace ‘.*/’

$nsgsid = $

$nsgsplit = $nsgsid.split(“/”)[-3]

$NsgRuleSet += (


                    NSGNAME = $nsgsplit

                    RuleName = $nsg.Name

                    Priority = $nsg.Priority

                    DestinationPortRange = $nsg.DestinationPortRange -join ",  "

                    Protocol = $nsg.Protocol

                    SourceAddressPrefix = $nsg.SourceAddressPrefix -join ",  "

                    SourceApplicationSecurityGroups = $ASGGroupNameSource

                    DestinationAddressPrefix = $nsg.DestinationAddressPrefix -join ",  "

                    DestinationApplicationSecurityGroups = $ASGGroupNameDestination

                    Direction = $nsg.Direction

                    Access = $nsg.Access




$NsgRuleSet | Export-Excel -WorksheetName NSG -path $path$reportName

Get the basic list of users

$Users = Get-AzADUser

$UserDetails = @()

For each user retrieve the details (hidden in extended properties)

$progressCount = 0

for($i = 0; $i -le $Users.Count; $i++) {

# Just writes status

Write-Progress -Id 0 -Activity "Retrieving User " -Status "$progressCount of $($Users.Count)" -PercentComplete (($progressCount / $Users.Count) * 100)

$UserDetails += (Get-AzADUser)[$i] | Select-Object -Property *



Stops the progress report

Write-Progress -Id 0 -Activity " " -Status " " -Completed

Display the Properties

$UserDetails | Select DisplayName, AccountEnabled, JobTitle, Mobile, UserPrincipalName, UserType | Format-Table

try {

$UserDetails | Select DisplayName, AccountEnabled, JobTitle, Mobile, UserPrincipalName, UserType | Export-Excel -WorksheetName ADUSERS -path $path\$reportName

Write-Host "Exported all user details" -ForegroundColor Green

} catch {

Write-Host "$error" -ForegroundColor red


There are nested loops and the increment math is being done in the incorrect loop, the count for nics is inside the user loop. There are examples of nested loops in the docuementation, but it should be something like this:

$users = @"
Name, Age
"@ | ConvertFrom-CSV

$nics = Get-NetAdapter

for($n=0; $n -lt $nics.Count; $n++ ) {
    $outerParams = @{
        Activity         = ('Processing {0}' -f $nics[$n].Name) 
        Status           = ('Progress {0}' -f [math]::Round((($n / $nics.Count) * 100))) 
        PercentComplete  = ([math]::Round((($n / $nics.Count) * 100))) 
        CurrentOperation = 'OuterLoop'

    Write-Progress @outerParams
    Sleep -Seconds 1

    for($u = 0; $u -lt $users.Count; $u++ ) {
        $innerParams = @{
            Id               = 1 
            Activity         = ('Processing {0}' -f $users[$u].Name) 
            Status           = ('Progress {0}' -f [math]::Round((($u / $users.Count) * 100))) 
            PercentComplete  = ([math]::Round((($u / $users.Count) * 100))) 
            CurrentOperation = 'InnerLoop'

        Write-Progress @innerParams
        Sleep -Seconds 1