Powershell split file name into arrary

I have a folder with list of all of the movies inside this folder in following format.

[1979] Name of the movie [P1] - Disney
[1979] Name of the movie [P1][Director Edition] - PTC
[1980] Name of the movie [P8][Director Edition] - Test

I would like to get all of the movies in that folder and go through them and put them into three different attribute Year, Name, Studio

All this info will be save into a single file name of the movie

This is how I wont to save the info into the file

Name of the movie [P1]


Name of the movie [P1][Director Edition]

I try to write this code

$regex = [regex]“[(\w+)](\w+[\w+])-(\w+)”
$tokens = $regex.Match($name).groups[1,2,3] | Select -ExpandProperty Value

Which worked fine but when running it like this but it doesnt work when I run it in loop.

$name = dir *.mp4 | select BaseName
$regex = [regex]“[(\w+)](\w+[\w+])-(\w+)”
foreach ($n in $name)
$file_name = $n.BaseName.ToString();
$year, $title, $studio = $regex.Match($file_name).groups[1,2,3] | Select -ExpandProperty Value

When you remove the “| select BaseName” it should run as expected I think.

it doesnt work. you can test the code on your PC.

OK, then we try it my way … :wink: :smiley:

$Path = ‘C:\sample\movies’
$Pattern = ‘[(\w+)]\s*(((\w+)\s*))[(\w+)]([(.)]).?(\w+)$’
Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Filter *.mp4 |
ForEach-Object {
$_.BaseName -match $Pattern | Out-Null
Year = $Matches[1]
Title = $Matches[2]
Studio = $Matches[8]
Edition = $Matches[7]
Something = $Matches[5]
} |
Format-Table -AutoSize

Could this be another opportunity for ConvertFrom-String??

$template = @'                                                                                       
[{Year*:1979}] {Name:Name of the movie [P1]} - {Studio:Disney}                                       
[{Year*:1979}] {Name:Name of the movie [P1][Director Edition]} - {Studio:PTC}                        
[{Year*:1980}] {Name:Name of the movie [P8][Director Edition]} - {Studio:Test}                       

$testText = @'                                                                                       
[1979] Name of the movie [P1] - Disney                                                               
[1979] Name of the movie [P1][Director Edition] - PTC                                                
[1980] Name of the movie [P8][Director Edition] - Test                                               

PS C:\Users\me> $testText | ConvertFrom-String -TemplateContent $template

Year Name                                     Studio
---- ----                                     ------
1979 Name of the movie [P1]                   Disney
1979 Name of the movie [P1][Director Edition] PTC
1980 Name of the movie [P8][Director Edition] Test

@js - wow - cool idea - and it’s even easier to read - thanks.

Hi, Thank you for your reply but it doesn’t work.

It should work with any movie, I just gave a example of how the name of each movie is setup

I only want to split the movie name into three parts.

1st year
2nd Name
3rd Studio

... reply but it doesn't work.
hmmm ... could you please be more precise? What exaclty does not work? Does it work at least with the examples you gave?

I have folder with all of the movies. Which i like to split in three parts.

This is how Text file should look like
Year: 1979
Name: Name of the movie [P1]
Studio: Disney

Any thing in first will be 1st part of the file, any thing after this until - will be 2nd part of the file and anything after - will be 3rd part of the file.

Did you try to understand and maybe to modify the code to your needs?

$Path = ‘C:\sample\movies’
$Pattern = ‘[(\w+)]\s*(((\w+)\s*))[(\w+)]([(.)]).?(\w+)$’
Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Filter *.mp4 |
ForEach-Object {
$_.BaseName -match $Pattern | Out-Null
Year = $Matches[1]
Title = $Matches[2] + ’ ’ + $Matches[5] + ’ ’ + $Matches[7]
Studio = $Matches[8]

I just try my code again and its work but because I have space in my movies name it doesnt work. i think I need to make changes to $regex = [regex]“[(\w+)](\w+[\w+])-(\w+)”

I spend a little effort to try to help you. So could you please at least try the code I posted and tell me if it works? And if it does not work, tell what does not work.

You can do the same thing I did but put in real examples.

Hi Olaf,

Thank you for your replay.

I did try your code which works on some movies but not all.

lets say I have movie which is name in this way [1979] Name of the movie [P1][Director Edition] [Somthing here] 1979] Name of the movie [P1][Director Edition] then something more – PTC

What your code does is that it puts each brackets into new array which i dont wont, I just wont to split the name into three values

like this

Name of the movie [P1][Director Edition] [Somthing here] 1979] Name of the movie [P1][Director Edition] then something more


hmmm … you gave three example file names and I’m almost sure about that - for these three example file names my code worked as intended, right?
String manipulation is always error prone if you don’t have enough information about the possible patterns in the source strings.
Actually I wanted to give you some extra goodies and split your file names in (for me) logical pieces like a database would have. Each single piece of information is stored in single cell. But therefore the source data would have to have a certain structure as well.
The new file name pattern you gave looks weird for me. Just like something went wrong in an earlier naming step of some other script.
But anyway, I don’t like to give up. So here is another try for the example file names you gave:

$Path = ‘D:\sample’
$Pattern = ‘^[(\w+)]\s+(.)\s(\–|\−|\–|\—)\s(.)$’
Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Filter *.mp4 |
ForEach-Object {
$_.BaseName -match $Pattern | Out-Null
Year = $Matches[1]
Title = $Matches[2]
Studio = $Matches[4]

BTW: I had some problems recognizing what dash, minus, hyphen or whatever you use in your file names. So I included 4 of them in the pattern and hope one of them fits. If not - you have to do some research for it.

Thank you for all your help. Finally I got it

$Path = 'D:\Training\Test'
$regex = "\[([\w|\s]+)\]([\w|\s]+\[[\w|\s]+\].*)\s*-\s*([\w|,|\s]+)"
Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Filter *.txt |
    ForEach-Object {
        $name = $_.BaseName
        $groups = [regex]::Match($name, $regex).Captures.Groups

This code works? Really? If I try it with the example file names you posted it does not work at all. I get a lot of errors.
And regardless of that - do you ever answer questions? :-/

Hi Olaf,

Because you are copying file name from this site it add -(Dash) which code doesnt like.

PS C:\Users\User> $Path = 'D:\Training\Test'
$regex = "\[([\w|\s]+)\]([\w|\s]+\[[\w|\s]+\].*)\s*-\s*([\w|,|\s]+)"
Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Filter *.txt |
    ForEach-Object {
        $name = $_.BaseName -replace '–', '-'
        $groups = [regex]::Match($name, $regex).Captures.Groups
Name of the movie [P1]

Name of the movie [P1][Director Edition]

Name of the movie [P8][Director Edition]

I update code to repalce this with normal dash