Powershell script issues.. AD attributes

So I have the code pasted below… the weirdness happens when the streetaddress, zip, city and scriptpath values are left blank in I run the ps1 in a Powershell window or converted to exe via PS2EXE, however if I run the code within ISE it completes and populates everything. To reiterate, in ISE it works 100%, in Powershell is leaves out only the streetaddress, city, zip and scriptpath values. What gives?

Here’s the code:

#3/3/15 Benjamin Hart, Unified Brands, Inc
#Created with Powershell ISE
#This powershell script will create a domain user object using a format of lastname, firstname, a SAM of first initial + last name
#It will also populate displayname, a default password, office and both proxyaddresses, the primary as used in your org and the 
#Dover required O365 one.  It will also verify the primary proxy address is not already used.
#With set-aduser you can alter almost any attribute of the user.

$theOU = read-host "Enter the OU name"
$Surname = read-Host "Enter the surname"
$GivenName = read-host "Enter first name"
$DisplayName = "$Surname, $GivenName"
$Password = "December1"
$name = $GivenName.substring(0,1)+$Surname
$proxyaddress = read-host "Enter the proxy address in full"

Import-Module activedirectory
import-module servermanager

	#Edit the SearchBase to match your organization
	$myOU = Get-AdOrganizationalUnit -Filter "Name -eq '$theOU'" -Searchbase 'OU=People,DC=DIFC,DC=Root01,DC=org'
#Below verifies the Proxyaddress is not already present	
Get-ADuser  -filter * -Properties ProxyAddresses|?{$_.proxyaddresses -contains $proxyaddress}
	$found=Get-ADuser  -filter * -Properties ProxyAddresses|
        $_.proxyaddresses | 
             Where-Object{ $_ -eq $ProxyAddress }}

while (Get-ADuser  -filter * -Properties ProxyAddresses|?{$_.proxyaddresses -contains $proxyaddress})
  $proxyaddress = read-host "$proxyaddress is already in use, please try another one"
Write-Host "$proxyaddress is not used yet."

#Edit your locations if you choose to use this part
Switch ($Office)  {
    "Michigan" {
        $Street = "525 South Coldwater Rd."
        $City = "Weidman"
        $State = "Michigan"
        $Zip = "48898"
        $scriptpath = "\\difc\netlogon\milogin1.bat"
    "Mississippi"  {
        $Street = "1055 Mendell Davis Dr."
        $City = "Jackson"
        $State = "Mississippi"
        $Zip = "39272"
        $scriptpath = "\\difc\netlogon\adlogin.bat"
    "Oklahoma"  {
        $Street = "4650 54th Street Maip Building 601"
        $City = "Pryor"
        $State = "Oklahoma"
        $Zip = "74361"
        $scriptpath = "\\difc\netlogon\oklogin.bat"
    "Georgia"  {
        $Street = "2016 Gees Mill Rd. NE"
        $City = "Conyers"
        $State = "Georgia"
        $Zip = "30013"
#Edit the below to match your domain(s)
$DoverProxyAddress = "$($givenname.substring(0,1))$surname-$("unifiedbrands")-$("net")@dover.mail.onmicrosoft.com"
$Description = read-host "Enter persons description"
$jobtitle = read-host "Enter the Job Title"
#Edit the below to match your locations
$office = read-host "Enter the user's location, Michigan, Mississippi, Georgia, Oklahoma or Remote"
$department = read-host "Enter the users Department"

New-ADUser -path $myOU -samaccountname $name -name $displayname -DisplayName $DisplayName -Surname $Surname -givenname $givenname -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString $Password -AsPlainText -force) -enabled:$false
start-sleep -seconds 30
set-aduser -samaccountname -emailaddress $proxyaddress -Description $Description -Title $jobtitle -Office $office -UserPrincipalName $proxyaddress -Department $department -Company "Unified Brands, Inc"
set-aduser $name -StreetAddress $Street -city $city -state $state -PostalCode $zip
set-aduser $name -ScriptPath $scriptpath 
Set-ADUser $name -Replace @{employeeType="EMPLOYEE"}
set-aduser $name -add @{proxyaddresses = ("SMTP:")+"$proxyaddress"}
set-aduser $name -add @{ProxyAddresses = ("smtp:")+"$doverproxyaddress"}

get-aduser $name

Can you use the pre /pre tag around your code in the post to make it easier to work with?

Nice! I didn’t know what that tag did. There you go!

I almost forgot… of note: The env here is on-premise AD using Federated Services to sync to O365. So no user objects are created directly in the cloud.

There are several issues, but specifically to your question. In your script, you are using a switch on the $office variable before you are setting a value in the $office variable. As such, it does not work becaue $office is blank so none of the variables being set in the switch are being set. It works in the ISE, most likely, only after the first run. The first run it would not work. but in the ISE the $office variable does not get cleared before the second run, so the value entered when prompted from the first run is used in the second run.

Hmmm… I’ll test your theory about ISE in the AM. However since the script ends, I don;t see how it wouldn’t run subsequently in ISE… but we’ll see. Since my browser won;t let me scroll to the right (crappy Chrome) any thoughts on the switch on $office?

Yes, put your switch after the line where you use read-host to set the value of $office.

As far at the ISE. It’s true. It’s a feature. After the script finishes running you can type the variables in the console of the ISE and see that they still hold their value from when the script ran.

As far as seeing all the code, click the box with three lines in the top right corner to turn on word wrap, or click the bidirectional arrow to get a pop out of the code in a separate window.

So just to make sure… because I’m not terribly familiar with switch… do you think I need to create a switch statement instead of the read-host?

I’m looking at this: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff730937.aspx

OH wait… crap I’m sorry. I’m failing at reading comprehension. Ok I see let me try moving that around.

Ok I moved the switch block below the $office line, re-converted and ran the scrip ton a test user. This time, for whatever reason it did add the streetaddress/city/zip/scriptpath values but did not apply the Description, Office, User logon name, job title, department or email address.

Ok I fixed it… not sure exactly how since I reorganized the that switch function then a broke up the New-aduser with back ticks but after all that the missing values are being applied now. Here’s the updated script:

#3/3/15 Benjamin Hart, Unified Brands, Inc
#Created with Powershell ISE
#This powershell script will create a domain user object using a format of lastname, firstname, a SAM of first initial + last name
#It will also populate displayname, a default password, office and both proxyaddresses, the primary as used in your org and the 
#Dover required O365 one.  It will also verify the primary proxy address is not already used.
#With set-aduser you can alter almost any attribute of the user.

Import-Module activedirectory
import-module servermanager 

$theOU = read-host "Enter the OU name"
$Surname = read-Host "Enter the surname"
$GivenName = read-host "Enter first name"
$DisplayName = "$Surname, $GivenName"
$Password = "December1"
$name = $GivenName.substring(0,1)+$Surname
$company = "Unified Brands, Inc"
$proxyaddress = read-host "Enter the proxy address in full"

	#Edit the SearchBase to match your organization
	$myOU = Get-AdOrganizationalUnit -Filter "Name -eq '$theOU'" -Searchbase 'OU=People,DC=DIFC,DC=Root01,DC=org'
#Below verifies the Proxyaddress is not already present	
Get-ADuser  -filter * -Properties ProxyAddresses|?{$_.proxyaddresses -contains $proxyaddress}
	$found=Get-ADuser  -filter * -Properties ProxyAddresses|
        $_.proxyaddresses | 
             Where-Object{ $_ -eq $ProxyAddress }}

while (Get-ADuser  -filter * -Properties ProxyAddresses|?{$_.proxyaddresses -contains $proxyaddress})
  $proxyaddress = read-host "$proxyaddress is already in use, please try another one"
Write-Host "$proxyaddress is not used yet."

#Edit your locations if you choose to use this part
#Edit the below to match your domain(s)

$DoverProxyAddress = "$($givenname.substring(0,1))$surname-$("company")-$("net")@dover.mail.onmicrosoft.com"
$Description = read-host "Enter persons description"
$jobtitle = read-host "Enter the Job Title"
#Edit the below to match your locations
$office = read-host "Enter the user's location, Michigan, Mississippi, Georgia, Oklahoma or Remote"
Switch ($Office)  {
    "Michigan" {
        $Street = "123 main st."
        $City = "Weidman"
        $State = "Michigan"
        $Zip = "48898"
        $scriptpath = "\\difc\netlogon\milogin1.bat"
    "Mississippi"  {
        $Street = "123 main st"
        $City = "Jackson"
        $State = "Mississippi"
        $Zip = "39272"
        $scriptpath = "\\difc\netlogon\adlogin.bat"
    "Oklahoma"  {
        $Street = "123 main st"
        $City = "Pryor"
        $State = "Oklahoma"
        $Zip = "74361"
        $scriptpath = "\\difc\netlogon\oklogin.bat"
    "Georgia"  {
        $Street = "123 main st"
        $City = "Conyers"
        $State = "Georgia"
        $Zip = "30013"

$department = read-host "Enter the users Department"

New-ADUser -path $myOU -samaccountname $name -name $displayname -DisplayName $DisplayName -Surname $Surname -givenname $givenname `
 -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString $Password -AsPlainText -force) -enabled:$false -emailaddress $proxyaddress `
 -Description $Description -Title $jobtitle -Office $office -UserPrincipalName $proxyaddress -Department $department `
 -Company $company -StreetAddress $Street -city $city -state $state -PostalCode $zip -ScriptPath $scriptpath

set-aduser $name -Replace @{employeeType="EMPLOYEE"}

start-sleep -seconds 5

Set-ADUser $name 
set-aduser $name -add @{proxyaddresses = ("SMTP:")+"$proxyaddress"}
set-aduser $name -add @{ProxyAddresses = ("smtp:")+"$doverproxyaddress"}

get-aduser $name