Hello, Everyone!
I m trying manage onedrive with powershell. Does anyone know which command to share a Onedrive folder for an external user? i didnt find it
I need this because i am trying to develop a script that makes sharing multiple folders from onedrive to diferents external users from an excel file.
The command: Set-PnPListItemPermission -List $listname -Identity $listItem -User $emailaddress -AddRole $access -ClearExisting . it just works for internal users
Thanks in advance!!!
Your help is a MicrosoftGraph help. To Connect Powershell with MS Graph is a lot of things are needed.
Creating a App with the right Rights, create a SelfSigned Certificate, upload the Fingerprint, get a MSGraph token and than: send and read the MSGraph Data.
To Invide a user it is ok to do:
New-AzureADMSInvitation -InvitedUserDisplayName ExternUser_Max_Smith -InvitedUserEmailAddress Max_Smith@web.de -SendInvitationMessage $True -InviteRedirectURL ‘http://www.MyHomePage.com’
So the Guest-Invitation is send to his emailadress. After Login the User is redirectet to http://www.MyHomePage.com