Powershell Not calling inner function


I am trying to call a function from my ps1 file but its not calling. This is what I get. Any help is appreciated

PS C:\Work\PowerShell\Scripts> .\Get-ComputerInfo.ps1 compname1, compname2
Computer count & Details for: 2 compname1
Computer count & Details for: 2 compname2



#declaring variables
$CompInfo = @()
$isPingable = "No"
$IP = "N/A"
$OS = "N/A"
$ServicePack = "N/A"
$Uptime = "N/A"
$LastBoot = "N/A"

#loop through each computer name and call the function
Foreach($CN in $ComputerName)
    Write-Host ("Computer count & Details for: " + $ComputerName.Count + " " + $CN)

    #call function

#display the final result in table form
$CompInfo | Format-Table -auto

#function body
function Get-ComputerInfo($ComputerName)
    #check if computer is up and running
    $isPingable = Test-Connection -ComputerName $ComputerName -Count 1 -Quiet
    # if we can ping the computer get details    
    if ($isPingable)
        $IPAddress = Test-Connection -ComputerName $ComputerName -Count 1
        $compInfo = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_operatingsystem -ComputerName $ComputerName
        $TotalSeconds = (get-date).Subtract( [System.Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime($compInfo.LastBootUpTime)).TotalSeconds
        $TSeconds = [timespan]::fromseconds($TotalSeconds)

        #put the requested info in an object     
        $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{Computername = $compInfo.PSComputerName ;
                                  Pinged = $isPingable ;
                                  IP = $IPAddress.IPV4Address ;
                                  OS1= $compInfo.Caption ;
                                  ServicePack = $compInfo.CSDVersion ;
                                  Uptime =  $TSeconds.ToString("hh\:mm\:ss\,fff") ;
                                  LastBoot = [System.Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime($compInfo.LastBootUpTime ) }
        Write-warning ("Sorry cant connect to the requested computer $CN... Please check and try again")

        $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{Computername = $CN ;
                              Pinged = $isPingable ;
                              IP = $IP ;
                              OS1= $OS ;
                              ServicePack = $ServicePack ;
                              Uptime =  $Uptime;
                              LastBoot = $LastBoot }
    $CompInfo += $obj


If you could in the future, please take a moment to format your code as indicated in the bullet list above the posting textbox. It makes helping you a lot easier and more accurate! Longer code like yours would also be better as a Gist, since the formatting is even clearer.

PowerShell executes scripts from top-to-bottom. That means functions need to be defined BEFORE they can be called. As-is, you are calling your function before PowerShell has seen it, and so PowerShell doesn’t think your function exists.

You’re also calling the function incorrectly.


Is a common mistake if you’ve come from another programming language. The correct pattern would be:

Get-ComputerInfo -ComputerName $CN

Parentheses can get you into a situation where PowerShell creates an array, which isn’t what you want. You’ve made the same mistake in several locations, such as with your Write-Warning. In your current context it will still work, but it’s a habit you will want to break, since in other contexts it will cause difficult-to-diagnose problems.

Thanks Don