I log into my Windows 8.1 desktop using the built-in Domain Administrator account (which belongs to the local Administrators account) then click on “Windows PowerShell”. Typing “whoami.exe” at the console prompt, it replies “MyDomain\Administrator.” I did not pick “Run As Administrator” so am I limited to Standard User permissions or will my Windows login account [MyDomain\Administrator] override that limitation and let me execute commands that require elevated privileges? If I do indeed open PowerShell with “Run As Administrator” and execute “whoami” in the console, it also gives the same answer, my underlying Windows user session credentials, namely “MyDomain\Administrator”.
Next, I wish to execute Enable-PSRemoting on a target remote computer. Since I am logged in to my desktop Windows session with the built-in Domain Administrator account credentials, and those credentials automatically belong to the local Administrator’s group on every domain computer, my current PowerShell session should have sufficient permissions to execute that cmdlet from a New-CimSession on every remote domain computer. Or must I use the New-PSSession -Credential parameter and specify the Domain Administrator credentials explicitly?