Powershell Basic , Beginner needs help


i would like to change a txt File .
can you help me find the right Commands for my actions

First of all i check if the txt file is in the path he should be
if its not there he should copy my file from a shared source.
If it is there he should search in the txt file, if there is a string called “xxx”
if there is a string called “xxx” i want him to change the string to “yyy”
if there is a string called “zzz” i want him to change the string to “yyy”
so 2 different scenarios he need to check if there is a txt file already.

if there is no such string “xxx” or “zzz” i want him to add the string “yyy”

after that he should save the changes to the txt file.
I would be very happy if you can help me :smiley:

Would you like us to do it for you or do you like to do it by yourself? :wink:

First of all i check if the txt file is in the path he should be
if its not there he should copy my file from a shared source.
If it is there he should search in the txt file, if there is a string called "xxx"
Get-Content Select-String or -match a reguklar expression

… unfortunately I had to devide my post in two parts …

if there is a string called "xxx" i want him to change the string to "yyy" if there is a string called "zzz" i want him to change the string to "yyy" so 2 different scenarios he need to check if there is a txt file already.
if there is no such string "xxx" or "zzz" i want him to add the string "yyy"
after that he should save the changes to the txt file.
Out-File Here you can find information about how to run code conditionally about_comparison_operators In general you should read about get-help and get-command

Have a lot of fun!

hey , thx vor the quick respond, i managed to do it by myself.
I thought off placing a wildcard instead of using different scenarios to replace.

I want the file to be checked so i can insert a string.
the original content of the file is

i want to change the first row so the original string should be “defaulttheme=*” i want a * since the themecode can vary, and every themecode that is not “xxx” i want powershell to change for me.
replacestring is defaultheme=xxx
so if the string isnt already defaultheme=xxx i want him to change every other themecode after defaultheme= to mine…
he wont do that unfortanetly

Here is the full code to check on

Set-StrictMode -Version “2.0”

PowerShell Checks If a File Exists

$WantFile = “D:\Xmind\org.xmind.ui.mindmap.pref”
$FileExists = Test-Path $WantFile
If ($FileExists -eq $True)

#Professionell, Default
#Klassisch 3
$AllText = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($Path)
#Ausgangsdatei ersetzen
$AllTextNew | Out-File -FilePath “D:\Xmind\org.xmind.ui.mindmap.pref”


If ($FileExists -eq $False)
{New-Item D:\Xmind\org.xmind.ui.mindmap.pref -ItemType file -value “defaultTheme=23bcqg7bfvg262t8lg70ta186f `neclipse.preferences.version=1”

any tipps or suggestions

See below. Comments made on changes to explain why.

Set-StrictMode -Version "2.0"
# PowerShell Checks If a File Exists
$WantFile = "D:\Xmind\org.xmind.ui.mindmap.pref"
$FileExists = Test-Path $WantFile
If ($FileExists -eq $True)

# Removed this because you already have your file path defined in $WantFile.
# This is also the path you validated so it should be the one you use.

#Professionell, Default
# Changed this to a RegEx search pattern to be used with -replace
#Klassisch 3

# Changed to use $WantFile since this path was validated
# Changed to use Get-Content so that output file maintains its original formating
#$AllText = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($Path)
$AllText = Get-Content $WantFile

# Changed to use -replace which uses RegEx pattern matching to find the data to replace
$AllTextNew=$AllText -Replace $OriginalString, $ReplaceString

#Ausgangsdatei ersetzen
$AllTextNew | Out-File -FilePath "D:\Xmind\org.xmind.ui.mindmap.pref"


If ($FileExists -eq $False)
{# Added the carriage return character to the value, `r, so that is shows up normally in notepad
 # with the values on different lines
#New-Item D:\Xmind\org.xmind.ui.mindmap.pref -ItemType file -value "defaultTheme=23bcqg7bfvg262t8lg70ta186f `neclipse.preferences.version=1"
New-Item D:\Xmind\org.xmind.ui.mindmap.pref -ItemType file -value "defaultTheme=23bcqg7bfvg262t8lg70ta186f `r`neclipse.preferences.version=1"

So even a little bit more “streamliined” it could be like this:

$WantFile = “D:\Xmind\org.xmind.ui.mindmap.pref”
If (Test-Path $WantFile){
$AllText = Get-Content $WantFile
$AllTextNew=$AllText -Replace $OriginalString, $ReplaceString
$AllTextNew | Out-File -FilePath “D:\Xmind\org.xmind.ui.mindmap.pref”
New-Item D:\Xmind\org.xmind.ui.mindmap.pref -ItemType file -value “defaultTheme=23bcqg7bfvg262t8lg70ta186f `neclipse.preferences.version=1”

Thanks very much!
In my Script it would have copied the replace string over and over again and it didnt accept the wildcard *
So i would have 1 more scenario to solve
for example the txt file is already in the folder but it doesnt have the string “defaultTheme=23bcqg7bfvg262t8lg70ta186f”
there is only other information.
i would like to add the string into the first row of the document.
how can i easily manage that?

The Problem with the different Defaulttheme entrys we solved by replacing but what can I do to check if there is any entry like that to then create on.

Thanks in advance!

If I got you right …

$DefaultConfig = @"

$WantFile = “D:\Xmind\org.xmind.ui.mindmap.pref”
If (Test-Path $WantFile){
$CurrentContent = Get-Content $WantFile
If($CurrentContent -match ‘defaultTheme=23bcqg7bfvg262t8lg70ta186f’){
$newContent = $CurrentContent | Foreach-Object {$_ -replace '(?<=defaultTheme=).*(?=$}','23bcqg7bfvg262t8lg70ta186f'}
$newContent | Out-File -FilePath $WantFile
$newContent = $DefaultConfig + $CurrentContent
$newContent | Out-File -FilePath $WantFile
New-Item $WantFile -ItemType file -value $DefaultConfig

Olaf, you are also adding eclipse.preferences.version=1 which is not the desired results.

$File = "D:\Xmind\org.xmind.ui.mindmap.pref"
If (Test-Path $File)
    $FileContent = Get-Content $File
    If ($FileContent -match $RegExPatt) {
        $FileContent -Replace $RegExPatt, $ReplaceString | Set-Content -Path $File
    } Else {
        "defaultTheme=23bcqg7bfvg262t8lg70ta186f",$FileContent | Set-Content -Path $File
} Else {
    "defaultTheme=23bcqg7bfvg262t8lg70ta186f","eclipse.preferences.version=1" | Set-Content -Path $File

You’re right. I wanted to avoid the backtick and ended up beyond the target. Thanks for correcting me. :wink:

Thanks a lot for your help guys.

I would have 1 more Task to solve,

i want to copy a file in specific folders
the folder name can change due to different versions of the software.

in every of this Folders org.xmind.ui.resources_*
i want my file to be copied.
Is there an easy way to make this possible
Thanks in advance.

Basically i want him to check all Folders that start like that, and copy a file into a subfolder

so powershell should check for folders with that name to then copy my file into the template subfolder of those he found.

i tried with get child item and includ templates.xml that way i can find all templates but thats the wrong way to go