Passing Array Variable from CSV to Identity for Get-SPOSite

Good Morning Everyone,

I’m currently trying to find out information about specific user’s one drive folders.

If I test with just my username, it works just fine. When I attempt to pass the variable through from a CSV file, it keeps the array tags around the variable, and fails because that website is not found.

This works:

Get-SPOSite -Identity | Select-Object Title, Owner, StorageUsageCurrent, Url</code>
Title          Owner                  StorageUsage	Current Url</code>
<code>-----          -----                  ------------------- 	---</code>
<code>Martin, R		61

These two options below do not work.

$users = import-csv C:\scripts\names.csv</code>
<code>foreach ($user in $users){Get-SPOSite -Identity"$user"_domain_com | Select-Object Title, Owner, StorageUsageCurrent, Url}


import-csv C:\Scripts\names.csv | ForEach-Object{Get-SPOSite -Identity"$user"_domain_com | Select-Object Title, Owner, StorageUsageCurrent, Url}

Both of the above one liners will give me the same error:

Get-SPOSite : Cannot get site{User=0240357}_domain_com.</code>
<code>At line:1 char:56</code>
<code>+ ... Each-Object{Get-SPOSite -Identity ...</code>
<code>+                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</code>
<code>+ CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-SPOSite], ServerException</code>
<code>+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ServerException,Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell.GetSite

Is there anyway for me to pass that variable and also strip off the array tags so that it sits nicely inside the URL like I need it to?


Thank you for your time,

Rob Martin

The for loop is references $User, which is basically the row that is being processed, so you need to tell it what Property (i.e. Column) you want. With the error message, it appears to be User, so it would $user.User:

$users = import-csv C:\scripts\names.csv

foreach ($user in $users) {

     $Identity = "$($user.User)_domain_com"
     $Identity = '{0}_domain_com' -f $user.User
     $Identity = '{0}_domain_com' -f ($user | Select -ExpandProperty User)

    Get-SPOSite -Identity $Identity | 
    Select-Object Title, Owner, StorageUsageCurrent, Url

Thank you Rob,

This worked just like I needed it to.