Partial Configurations - naming conventions


I’m dealing with partial configurations. I’m using only one pull server and multiple configurations. I’m using configuration names and two kind of configurations:

  1. Configurations for a role, in this case W10 client workstations
    • Documents follow the naming convention [ConfigurationName].mof
  2. Configurations for a especific node
    • Documents follow the naming convention [ConfigurationName].[NodeName].mof
    • As documentations states, I'm allowed to do this since I have WMF 5.1 in the server
My problem is that nodes cannot find in the server mof documents following the 2nd naming convention.

Let me paste my configurations and LCM:

#Configura el servicio de extracción http (modo pull) para un grupo de nodos


Configuration LCM_W10Node
[string] $NodeName = 'localhost',
[string] $RegistrationKey #same as the one used to setup pull server in previous configuration

Node $NodeName {

Settings {
RefreshMode = 'Pull'
RefreshFrequencyMins = 30
ConfigurationMode = 'ApplyAndAutoCorrect'
ConfigurationModeFrequencyMins = 60
AllowModuleOverwrite = $true
RebootNodeIfNeeded = $true
CertificateID = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" #certificate for credential encryption


ConfigurationRepositoryWeb DSCHTTP {

ServerURL = ''
RegistrationKey = $RegistrationKey
ConfigurationNames = @("w10client", "DevexpressDeployment", "MakeAdministrator")
AllowUnsecureConnection = $true

ReportServerWeb ReportServer {
ServerURL = ''
AllowUnsecureConnection = $true


PartialConfiguration w10client {
Description = "w10client"
ConfigurationSource = @("[ConfigurationRepositoryWeb]DSCHTTP")
RefreshMode = "Pull"

PartialConfiguration MakeAdministrator{

Description = "MakeAdministrator"
ConfigurationSource = @("[ConfigurationRepositoryWeb]DSCHTTP")
RefreshMode = "Pull"
DependsOn = '[PartialConfiguration]w10client'

PartialConfiguration DevexpressDeployment{
Description = "DevexpressDeployment"
ConfigurationSource = @("[ConfigurationRepositoryWeb]DSCHTTP")
RefreshMode = "Pull"

$TestData= @{

AllNodes = @(
NodeName = "vdeploytest-w10"

Configuration MakeAdministrator {
        [PsCredential] $credential
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName xPSDesiredStateConfiguration

    Node $AllNodes.NodeName {
        $Members = @('Administrador', "$($Node.User)", 'DGGH\Informatica', 'DGGH\Administrador')

        xGroup AdministradorLocal {
            GroupName = "Administradores"
            MembersToInclude = $Members
            Credential = $credential

The MakeAdministration document is the one annoying me. On update-dscconfiguration I get a warning saying:

Error executing Get-Action in the partial configuration 'MakeAdministrator'. Check the partial configuration and the checksum both exist in the server
This is my insfraestructure:
  • Server: Windows Server 2012 + WFM 5.1
  • Powershell version 5.1.1449.1012
  • Node OS: Windows 10 1709
Can any one help?

I think I’m probably not following along, so let me know where I’m not getting it, please ;).

I would expect the node to attempt to pull MakeAdministrator.mof and MakeAdministrator.mof.checksum from

Is that how you’ve set it up? And obviously permissions on the MOF and CHECKSUM files would need to be appropriate. And we’ll gloss over the dangers of using HTTP :).

I think I wrote the post too quickly, sorry about that.

MakeAdministrator document is named MakeAdministrator.[NodeName].mof and is located at the default path


where I have other partial documents which are being extracted succesfully (so I guess permission issues should be ruled out). I have also the correspondent MakeAdministrator.[NodeName].mof.checksum in the right place.

I don’t have problems extracting/executing documents named [ConfigurationName].mof. It seems that problems arise when using the [ConfigurationName].[Node].mof naming convention.

Am I doing wrong with the mof’s naming?

Regarding https, yes, I know …, I’ve been trying to set it up unsuccesfully :frowning: I have a post related to this in the forum.

I finally achieved what I wanted to, although not in the way I thought it should be at first. I’ll try to explain.

I followed a mixed (pull and push) partial configuration approach. One of the configurations (MakeAdministrator) had to be in ‘PUSH’ RefreshMode because it includes node-specific data, as a matter of fact, user-specific data which I get from a configuration data variable.

At first, I tried to use ‘PULL’ RefreshMode with the naming convention that includes the name of the node on it ([ConfigurationName].[NodeName].mof) but the document wasn’t never found, even though the documentations allow this naming convention. (See

Finally, I could make it work with this LCM

#Configura el servicio de extracción http (modo pull) para un grupo de nodos
Configuration LCM_W10Node 
        [string] $NodeName = 'localhost',

        [string] $RegistrationKey #same as the one used to setup pull server in previous configuration
	Node $NodeName {
		Settings {
		    RefreshMode = 'Pull'
		    RefreshFrequencyMins = 30
                    ConfigurationMode = 'ApplyAndAutoCorrect'
                    ConfigurationModeFrequencyMins = 60
                    AllowModuleOverwrite = $true
                    RebootNodeIfNeeded = $true
                    CertificateID = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" #certificate for credential encryption


        ConfigurationRepositoryWeb DSCHTTP {
            ServerURL = ''
            RegistrationKey = $RegistrationKey
            ConfigurationNames = @('w10client') 
            AllowUnsecureConnection = $true

        ReportServerWeb ReportServer {
            ServerURL = ''
            AllowUnsecureConnection = $true
        PartialConfiguration MakeAdministrator {
            Description = "Makes some default user and a custom user administrator of the node"
            RefreshMode = "Push"
            DependsOn = '[PartialConfiguration]w10client'

        PartialConfiguration w10client {
            Description = "w10client"
            ConfigurationSource = @("[ConfigurationRepositoryWeb]DSCHTTP")
            RefreshMode = "Pull"

One thing that amazes me is that if I include ‘MakeAdministrator’ in the ConfigurationrepositoryWeb.ConfigurationNames this way

Settings {
ConfigurationNames = @('w10client', 'MakeAdministrator')

I get an error saying I lack one of the partial configuration names in the LCM for the node.

I can’t understand this, but anyway.