no mof generated with composite resource

Hi all,

I’m having an issue where the .mof file doesn’t get generated when using a composite resource in it.The directory gets created fine and no errors are shown. It might be a simple issue to some fresh eyes, but I’m not seeing it :slight_smile:

The composite resource gets recognized fine and as I said, no errors are shown. I’d appreciate any help!

Here are my configuration files:

composite resource

Configuration OfficeServer

    Import-DscResource -Modulename XNetworking, PSDesiredStateConfiguration
        xIPAddress IPAddress 
            IPAddress = $IPAddress
            InterfaceAlias = "Ethernet"
            DefaultGateway = ""
            SubnetMask = 24
            AddressFamily = "IPV4"

        xDNSServerAddress DNSServer 
            Address = ""
            InterfaceAlias = "Ethernet"
            AddressFamily = "IPV4"



the configuration to generate the .mof

Configuration test

    Import-DscResource -modulename CommonConfig 

    Node localhost
        OfficeServer test
            IPAddress = ""



Import-DscResource does not support multiple modules.

change it to

Import-DscResource -Modulename XNetworking
Import-DscResource -Modulename PSDesiredStateConfiguration

I belive that multiple modules is supported, quote from the linked article above:

ModuleName is the name of the module that contains the resources to be imported. This parameter can contain either string array of module names or modules specification object. e.g.

Import-DSCResource –ModuleName xActiveDirectory, xSmbShare

Just from looking at your code and without testing anything, my longshot is:

Try to move the import of resources/modules out of the composite resource and put everything in you configuration.

Configuration OfficeServer
        xIPAddress IPAddress 

Configuration test
    Import-DscResource -modulename CommonConfig,Networking, PSDesiredStateConfiguration
    Node localhost

My mistake. I had misread the part on Multiple ModuleName and multiple Name in the same command.

I have placed the appropriate Import-DscResorce commands in both for mine.

the only reason for having it in Configuration OfficeServer is that intellisense will not work right without it.

First of all thanks for the replies!

The answers you gave me made me move things around in the composite resource again and that’s when I noticed I had a pair of curly brackets too much in it. sigh
After removing those it worked fine, also with the import-dscresource in the composite resource itself.

updated version that works

Configuration OfficeServer

    Import-DscResource -modulename XNetworking, PSDesiredStateConfiguration
        xIPAddress IPAddress 
            IPAddress = $IPAddress
            InterfaceAlias = "Ethernet"
            DefaultGateway = ""
            SubnetMask = 24
            AddressFamily = "IPV4"

        xDNSServerAddress DNSServer 
            Address = ""
            InterfaceAlias = "Ethernet"
            AddressFamily = "IPV4"

[b]configuration to generate the .mof[/b}

Configuration test
    Import-DscResource -modulename CommonConfig 
    Node localhost
        OfficeServer test
            IPAddress = ""

Again, thanks for the fresh look!