by butterss at 2013-03-11 16:49:10
Greetings to all. There is no forum for Powershell And Access, so I chose to post my request here. I am very new to Powershell. I need an example of a script that will import a CSV file to an Access DB table. I currently manually use the import facility of Access to do this, but I need to automate the cmille19 at 2013-03-12 04:47:26
Sam Butters
Logparser an old Microsoft scripting utility (pre-Powershell) has a feature to import CSVs into MS Access using either the command-line or COM-based scripting. I’ve got a presentation and script which demonstrate using LogParser with MS Access here: … sentation/by butterss at 2013-03-12 16:18:57
Cmille19, which item should I download/review for your proposed solution?by cmille19 at 2013-03-13 07:39:07
Sam Butters
The script and presentation link