My get-help about_comments... aren't there

I seem to be missing some help files. I am running PowerShell 5.0 (v1???) and I have run update-help numerous times. I even tried identifying the module that would provide this help and tried importing and installing various modules. All to no avail.
Under certain about_ topics there simply is not a helpfile item in the second column.

When I try to do tab completion on get-help about_ it gets stuck on the first one and will not iterate through even the other few that are available.

Here is also what happens:

robinhood> get-help about (only a very few returns)

Name Category Module Synopsis

about_WS-Management_Cmdlets HelpFile Provides an overview of Web …
about_ActiveDirectory HelpFile The Active Directory module …
about_ActiveDirectory_Filter HelpFile Describes the syntax and beh…
about_ActiveDirectory_Identity HelpFile The Active Directory module …
about_ActiveDirectory_ObjectModel HelpFile Describes the object model o…
about_BITS_Cmdlets HelpFile Provides background informat…
about_CimSession HelpFile Describes a CimSession objec…
about_Scheduled_Jobs HelpFile Describes scheduled jobs and…
about_Scheduled_Jobs_Advanced HelpFile Explains advanced scheduled …
about_Scheduled_Jobs_Basics HelpFile Explains how to create and m…
about_Scheduled_Jobs_Troublesh… HelpFile Explains how to resolve prob…
about_ActivityCommonParameters HelpFile Describes the parameters tha…
about_Checkpoint-Workflow HelpFile Describes the Checkpoint-Wor…
about_Foreach-Parallel HelpFile Describes the ForEach -Paral…
about_InlineScript HelpFile Describes the InlineScript a…
about_Parallel HelpFile Describes the Parallel keywo…
about_Sequence HelpFile Describes the Sequence keywo…
about_Suspend-Workflow HelpFile Describes the Suspend-Workfl…
about_WorkflowCommonParameters HelpFile This topic describes the par…
about_Workflows HelpFile Provides a brief introductio…

It’s possible that you have a module with a bad Help file, which can bork up the rest of the system. Look for any non-Microsoft modules and consider temporarily removing their help files, one at a time, to see if you can find a bad one.

Is there a way to just remove the other module’s help files without removing each other module itself?


This thread is more than 6 years old. :point_up_2:t4:

Please do not reactivate ancient threads. :point_up_2:t4:

Thanks for your understanding. :+1:t4: :slightly_smiling_face:

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