My commande does not work New ADUSER

Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Import-Module ‘Microsoft.PowerShell.Security’

$users = Import-Csv -Delimiter “;” -Path “C:\add\import.csv”

#Création des OU général************

New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name “Paris” -Path “DC=certification,DC=LeRebours,DC=lrb”
New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name “utilisateur” -Path “OU=Paris,DC=certification,DC=LeRebours,DC=lrb”
New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name “projet” -Path “OU=Paris,DC=certification,DC=LeRebours,DC=lrb”
New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name “ordinateurs” -Path “OU=Paris,DC=certification,DC=LeRebours,DC=lrb”

#Création des OU secondaire************

New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name “reseau” -Path “OU=utilisateur,OU=Paris,DC=certification,DC=LeRebours,DC=lrb”
New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name “developpeur” -Path “OU=utilisateur,OU=Paris,DC=certification,DC=LeRebours,DC=lrb”
New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name “chefdeprojet” -Path “OU=utilisateur,OU=Paris,DC=certification,DC=LeRebours,DC=lrb”
New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name “administrateur” -Path “OU=utilisateur,OU=Paris,DC=certification,DC=LeRebours,DC=lrb”
New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name “STS1” -Path “OU=projet,OU=Paris,DC=certification,DC=LeRebours,DC=lrb”
New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name “STS2” -Path “OU=projet,OU=Paris,DC=certification,DC=LeRebours,DC=lrb”
New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name “fixe” -Path “OU=ordinateurs,OU=Paris,DC=certification,DC=LeRebours,DC=lrb”
New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name “portable” -Path “OU=ordinateurs,OU=Paris,DC=certification,DC=LeRebours,DC=lrb”
New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name “serveur” -Path “OU=ordinateurs,OU=Paris,DC=certification,DC=LeRebours,DC=lrb”

#Ajout de chaque utilisateur dans son OU spécifique

foreach ($user in $users){

$name = $user.prenom + " " + $user.nom
$fname = $user.prenom
$lname = $user.nom
$login = $user.prenom + "." + $user.nom
$Uservice = $user.service
$Upassword = $user.password
$groupe = $user.groupe

    "reseau" {$service = "OU=utilisateur,OU=Paris,DC=certification,DC=LeRebours,DC=lrb"}
    "developpeur" {$service = "OU=utilisateur,OU=Paris,DC=certification,DC=LeRebours,DC=lrb"}
    "chefdeprojet" {$service = "OU=utilisateur,OU=Paris,DC=certification,DC=LeRebours,DC=lrb"}
	"administrateur" {$service = "OU=utilisateur,OU=Paris,DC=certification,DC=LeRebours,DC=lrb"}
    default {$service = $null}    

 try {
        New-ADUser -Name $name -SamAccountName $login -UserPrincipalName $login -DisplayName $name -GivenName $fname -Surname $lname -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString $Upassword -AsPlainText -Force) -ServicePrincipalNames $Uservice -Path $service -Organization $groupe -Enabled $true
        echo "user add: $name"
    } catch{
        echo "user no add : $name"


When I use this command, users are not added, can you help me ?

Hi mralexdu7769 -

There are a few things I would be curious on – but first, for future, it makes it a lot easier to read the code if it is formatted with the pre tags. What is your

set to? You are in a try/catch for your New-ADUser cmdlet, but you won’t necessarily catch all errors if your
isn’t set to Stop. It may be producing some unexpected results.

Also - the documentation for the ServicePrincipalName parameter is used differently than you are using it here. I have adjusted your code to use paramter splatting to make it easier to read.

        $NewUserParams = @{
            Name                  = $name
            SamAccountName        = $login
            UserPrincipalName     = $login
            DisplayName           = $name
            GivenName             = $fname
            Surname               = $lname
            AccountPassword       = ConvertTo-SecureString $Upassword -AsPlainText -Force
            ServicePrincipalNames = @{Add = $Uservice}
            Path                  = $service
            Organization          = $groupe
            Enabled               = $true
            ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
        New-ADUser  @NewUserParams
        echo "user add: $name"

    catch [System.Exception]
        echo "user no add : $name"
        # output the error

I am hoping this helps you determine what error is being produced.


Let Windows Server write this code for you first, then tweak as needed.

See this guidance on how.

Introduction to Active Directory Administrative Center Enhancements (Level 100)

Learning PowerShell with Active Directory Administrative Center (PowerShell History Viewer)

Step-By-Step: Utilizing PowerShell History Viewer in Windows Server 2012 R2

Use Active Directory Administrative Center to Create PowerShell Commands in Windows Server 2012