Multiple isolated IF statements

I’ve done a ton of googling and I can’t seem to find the answer I’m looking for, and IF may not even be the right command. Basically, I’m looking for an isolated IF, such as

IF a user has a mailbox, perform this
(Then continue down the commands)
IF a user has a home directory, perform this
(Then continue down the commands)
STILL perform this
(Then continue down the commands)
STILL perform this

Right now, it seems like it stops after the first IF is accomplished. I’ve looked into others like DO, but everything seems to be a IF/ELSE kind of setup, instead of just “If it’s this, do this. Next command.”

I think you are talking about nested if statements:

If($this -eq $that){

write some code
if($something_else -eq $that){do something more, another if statement maybe}else{run something else}


do this


So the first IF statement, if it is true then it will run the code directly after it, if not then it will go to the else statement. You can nest IF statements in these, so should read like if($this -eq true){run me if I am true, you can run another if statement in here too}else{run me if I am not true}
Its called nesting If statements, you might want to look at case statements too, as sometimes they can be better than loads if nested if statements.

Hope that helps.

You can use If logic like you are talking about, something like:

$user = "jsmith"

if (Get-MailBox -Identity $user) {
    #Code here

if (Test-Path ("\\server\home\{0}" -f $user)) {
    #Code Here

#executes for everyone
Get-ADUser -Filter "SamAccountName -eq '$user'"

You can nest if’s:

$user = "jsmith"

if (Get-MailBox -Identity $user) {
    #Code here

    if (Test-Path ("\\server\home\{0}" -f $user)) {
        #Only executes if the user has a mailbox AND a homedrive

# ** OR ** #

if ( (Get-MailBox -Identity $user) -or (Test-Path ("\\server\home\{0}" -f $user)) ) {
    #Code here

#executes for everyone
Get-ADUser -Filter "SamAccountName -eq '$user'"

Are you learning Powershell with a background in batch scripting?