Move-item 2 issues

I am trying to move certain files from c:\ on a list of servers to a central location. I have 2 problems.

  1. Apparently I don’t have access to all of them (and I’m not sure which ones). I tried to use write-output but couldn’t get the server name.
  2. Some of the files are still being written to and are locked. (ideally I would just skip those. I tried to use try / catch but couldn’t get the syntax to work. Here is my code:
$file = import-csv -LiteralPath "F:\auditFilesFromLocalServers\auditserverList.csv" 

foreach($i in $file)
         If (-not (Move-Item -Path "\\$($\c`$\auditLogs\*.sqlaudit" -Destination "\\myCentralServer\F`$\auditFilesFromLocalServers" ))
    Throw "Folder Access Denied"  # and this causes NONE of the servers to transfer files. 

The files need to be processed be each to track what happens for each file. The following is not tested, but should be fairly close:

$csv = import-csv -LiteralPath "F:\auditFilesFromLocalServers\auditserverList.csv" 

$results = foreach($row in $csv) {
    $source = '\\{0}\c$\auditLogs\*.sqlaudit' -f $row.Name    
    $destination = '\\myCentralServer\F`$\auditFilesFromLocalServers'
    $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $source
    foreach ($file in $files) {
        try {
            Move-Item -Path $file.FullName -Destination $destination -ErrorAction Stop 
                ComputerName = $row.Name
                SourcePath   = $source
                Source       = $file.FullName
                Destination  = $destination
                Status       = 'SUCCESS'
        catch {
                ComputerName = $row.Name
                SourcePath   = $source
                Source       = $file.FullName
                Destination  = $destination
                Status       = 'FAILED: {0}' -f $_

Rob’s code removing some redundant parts. Still not tested

$csv = import-csv -LiteralPath "F:\auditFilesFromLocalServers\auditserverList.csv" 

$results = foreach($row in $csv) {
    $source = '\\{0}\c$\auditLogs\*.sqlaudit' -f $row.Name    
    $destination = '\\myCentralServer\F`$\auditFilesFromLocalServers'
    $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $source
    foreach ($file in $files) {

        try {
            Move-Item -Path $file.FullName -Destination $destination -ErrorAction Stop 
            $status = 'SUCCESS'
        catch {
            $status = 'FAILED: {0}' -f $_

            ComputerName = $row.Name
            SourcePath   = $source
            Source       = $file.FullName
            Destination  = $destination
            Status       = $status
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