Mount-VHD -Path Q:\UVHD-S-1-x-x-xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxx.vhdx
Mount 's a certain user profile disk to volume ‘D:’ on a server.
I’m trying to dismount this disk / eject drive ‘D:’ but i can’t figure out how to do it in powershell.
Does anyone know how to do that?
December 6, 2023, 8:42am
Hmmm … I’m not sure if I got what you mean … did you try
I use the mount-vhd to mount a .vhdx file on a server. After maintenance to the disk i would like to eject the disk bij a powershell command To be able to put everything in a script.
December 6, 2023, 9:04am
I’m confused. Did you actually read my reply? Did you read the help topic I linked?
Ah I Read to fast, sorry.
Dismount -VHD -DiskNumber 2
That actualluy worked, but also tricky to put in a a script…
Thanx anyway!