More than one Expand-properties

I want to collect some info about my VM
I used get-vm
but it does not show the size of vhd file so I have to use expand properties of disk object
also I need to get my vm IP
so I have to use expand-properties network
but for each one I use in separate cmdlet and I get separate out put
the question
how can I combine more than one expand- properties in single script
so I have single line of out put
vmname vhd size ip

Hey it,

Are you saying that you only want the information from your own vm? If so, and you’re absolutely sure you’ll never have more than one ip address and more than one vhd, then you could use this.

Otherwise, you’ll need to cover more than one line with your data.

Import-Module HyperV
$vm      = Get-VM -Name machinename
$ip      = $vm |
Get-VirtualNetworkAdapter |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty ipv4Addresses
$vhd = $vm | Get-VirtualDiskDrive
$vhdSize = $vhd[0].VirtualHardDisk[0].MaximumSize/1GB

$newObj = [pscustomobject] @{
    vm      = $vm
    ip      = $ip
    vhdsize = $vhdSize


Hi Tim
thanks for your quick reply
actually I want to collect info about all the VMs
so I though if I could do it for one I can do it for many, that why I said my vm
but after I read your script I notice I was wrong
as you need to do some looping and if statement which I’m not good at it yet

1- I have many hyper-v servers
2- some vms having more than one IP
3- some vm having more than one VHD

get-vm -computername (get-content “c:\serverslist.txt”)
this the first step
how can I do IPs and VHDs for all vms from the above out put
thanks again for your time and support


Something else you could try, it may however still involve looping as you have many machines.

I don’t the exact commands to hand but it would be something like this.

Get-VM -Name TestMachine | Select -ExpandObject Name, @{n=‘Disk Size’; e={$.Disks.DiskSize}}, @{n=‘Drive Letter’; e={$.Disks.DriveLetter}}

Sorry I don’t have a Hyper-V Machine to give the exact commands but hopefully that gives you an idea of being able to do multiple expand objects.

ExpandProperty I mean

here is all the options of get-vm there is no Disks option
only Harddives and even that it does not have size as properties
I have to use get-vhd which made it hard as it need VMID not vmname

PS C:\Windows\system32> get-vm|gm

TypeName: Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VirtualMachine

Name MemberType Definition

VMId AliasProperty VMId = Id
VMName AliasProperty VMName = Name
Equals Method bool Equals(System.Object obj)
GetHashCode Method int GetHashCode()
GetHostOnlyKeyValuePairItems Method string GetHostOnlyKeyValuePairItems()
GetType Method type GetType()
RemoveKeyValuePairItem Method void RemoveKeyValuePairItem(string name, Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.KeyValuePairIte…
ToString Method string ToString()
VerifyClusterPath Method void VerifyClusterPath(string path, bool allowUnverifiedPaths)
AutomaticStartAction Property Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.StartAction AutomaticStartAction {get;}
AutomaticStartDelay Property int AutomaticStartDelay {get;}
AutomaticStopAction Property Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.StopAction AutomaticStopAction {get;}
ComPort1 Property Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VMComPort ComPort1 {get;}
ComPort2 Property Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VMComPort ComPort2 {get;}
ComputerName Property string ComputerName {get;}
ConfigurationLocation Property string ConfigurationLocation {get;}
CPUUsage Property int CPUUsage {get;}
CreationTime Property datetime CreationTime {get;}
DVDDrives Property Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.DvdDrive DVDDrives {get;}
DynamicMemoryEnabled Property bool DynamicMemoryEnabled {get;}
FibreChannelHostBusAdapters Property System.Collections.Generic.List[Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VMFibreChannelHba] Fibre…
FloppyDrive Property Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VMFloppyDiskDrive FloppyDrive {get;}
Generation Property int Generation {get;}
HardDrives Property Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.HardDiskDrive HardDrives {get;}
Heartbeat Property System.Nullable[Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VMHeartbeatStatus] Heartbeat {get;}
Id Property guid Id {get;}
IntegrationServicesState Property string IntegrationServicesState {get;}
IntegrationServicesVersion Property version IntegrationServicesVersion {get;}
IsClustered Property bool IsClustered {get;}
IsDeleted Property bool IsDeleted {get;}
Key Property Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.ObjectKey Key {get;}
MemoryAssigned Property long MemoryAssigned {get;}
MemoryDemand Property long MemoryDemand {get;}
MemoryMaximum Property long MemoryMaximum {get;}
MemoryMinimum Property long MemoryMinimum {get;}
MemoryStartup Property long MemoryStartup {get;}
MemoryStatus Property string MemoryStatus {get;}
Name Property string Name {get;}
NetworkAdapters Property System.Collections.Generic.List[Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VMNetworkAdapter] Networ…
Notes Property string Notes {get;}
NumaAligned Property System.Nullable[bool] NumaAligned {get;}
NumaNodesCount Property int NumaNodesCount {get;}
NumaSocketCount Property int NumaSocketCount {get;}
OperationalStatus Property Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VMOperationalStatus OperationalStatus {get;}
ParentSnapshotId Property System.Nullable[guid] ParentSnapshotId {get;}
ParentSnapshotName Property string ParentSnapshotName {get;}
Path Property string Path {get;}
PrimaryOperationalStatus Property System.Nullable[Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VMOperationalStatus] PrimaryOperationalS…
PrimaryStatusDescription Property string PrimaryStatusDescription {get;}
ProcessorCount Property long ProcessorCount {get;}
RemoteFxAdapter Property Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VMRemoteFx3DVideoAdapter RemoteFxAdapter {get;}
ReplicationHealth Property Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VMReplicationHealthState ReplicationHealth {get;}
ReplicationMode Property Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VMReplicationMode ReplicationMode {get;}
ReplicationState Property Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VMReplicationState ReplicationState {get;}
ResourceMeteringEnabled Property bool ResourceMeteringEnabled {get;}
SecondaryOperationalStatus Property System.Nullable[Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VMOperationalStatus] SecondaryOperationa…
SecondaryStatusDescription Property string SecondaryStatusDescription {get;}
SizeOfSystemFiles Property long SizeOfSystemFiles {get;}
SmartPagingFileInUse Property bool SmartPagingFileInUse {get;}
SmartPagingFilePath Property string SmartPagingFilePath {get;}
SnapshotFileLocation Property string SnapshotFileLocation {get;}
State Property Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VMState State {get;}
Status Property string Status {get;}
StatusDescriptions Property string StatusDescriptions {get;}
Uptime Property timespan Uptime {get;}
Version Property string Version {get;}
VMIntegrationService Property System.Collections.Generic.List[Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VMIntegrationComponent] …
OSName ScriptProperty System.Object OSName {get=…