How to use -ExpandProperty for multiple properties?

Could some one tell me how I can expand properties for several at a time in “| Select-Object” cmdlet.

You can’t. That wouldn’t actually make sense, as the point of the parameter is to return a single property into the pipeline. Were you to expand multiple properties, there’d be no way to separate the data in the pipeline.

What are you trying to do? Can you provide a scenario?

Actually I am writing a production script where I must even log each end every thing. For this I am adding my own results and any other command’s results to a PSObject and finally I want to export the content of this PSObject the log file. If I just (for ex: $Output | Export-CSV log.csv) then it will just export the view of $output but it won’t expand the properties and then export. The below is the sample which is very ideal to my script.

$temp = Get-Service dns*
$temp1 = Get-Process | select -First 5
If($temp.Status -match 'Stop')
   $Ouput | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DNSService -Value 'Fail'
      $Ouput | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DNSService -Value 'Pass'
$Ouput | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ActualDNSServiceOutput' -Value $temp
$Ouput | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Process -Value $temp1

[attachment file=“Capture.PNG”]

Keep in mind you’ve never written $output to the pipeline of your script.

Write-Output $output

If you do that, then you should be able to pipe the script output to Export-CSV and have it work fine. This isn’t “expanding properties.” -ExpandProperty is a completely different thing.

$temp can contain more than one object, potentially; if it does, your if() construct won’t work as expected.

Is $output just a blank PSObject to begin with? I don’t see where you create it.

But your screenshot is something else. That shows your object having a Service property, which is a collection of Process objects, which in turn have their own properties. That’s a hierarchy; there’s no way for a CSV file to represent that. A CSV is a flat file - it doesn’t support a hierarchy of information, which is what you’ve created. There’s no way to make a CSV file work with hierarchical data - that isn’t what it’s for.