MgGraph redirects to localhost

Hi, I’m using powershell 7.3.5. When i type "Connect-Graph -scopes “User.Read.All” it opens a new tap in browser. When i try to log in i’m redirected to localhost:// and i can’t process next steps to log in to MS Graph. This doesn’t happen in PowerShell 5. Do you know how to fix it ?

I believe that is the Oauth callback and is expected. You should be connected and can simply close that window.

After it opens an window in browser

nothing happens and i’m not logged in

What module are you using? I don’t recall ever seeing Connect-Graph cmdlet in any Microsoft module. Are you using some 3rd party module? If so, I recommend using one of MS modules or directing your issue at the 3rd party.

I’m using Microsoft graph module

Not with Connect-Graph. Perhaps you can show us the actual command you’re running? Can you show what version of the module you’re using?

Get-Module -Name microsoft.graph -ListAvailable

Doug, I show it as an Alias:

Alias           Connect-Graph                                      1.28.0     Microsoft.Graph.Authentication
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Thanks Tony! Buszi99, after you run the command you are prompted and able to input your credentials, correct? Then the next page to load is probably this


which in your case is coming up with the SSL protocol error. What browser did it open? You can try the command like this and choose the browser to use. It doesn’t even have to be on the same system you are trying to log in on.

Connect-MgGraph -Scopes -UseDeviceAuthentication

To sign in, use a web browser to open the page and enter the code ABCDEF12345 to authenticate.

Probably an issue with enabled cryptographic providers on the system you’re using or in the browser