I’m fairly new to PowerShell and I thought, first of all, I would try to amend a current leavers script that we have. It currently imports a CSV file and finds each AD user in the CSV, disables their AD account, changes their password, moves them to a leavers OU and then disables the remote mailbox on our local exchange. I am stuck on getting the script to continue when an error is found in the CSV file. Currently, it finds the error and just stops the whole script. I’d like it to continue even after an error but record the failed user somewhere. Any help would be appreciated.
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Enter your Office 365 details" $CloudCredential = Get-Credential $ulist = Import-Csv C:\Operations\Starters-Leavers\leavers.csv $LeaversOU = 'OU=LeaversPending,OU=Azure,DC=domain,DC=domain' $PermLeaversOU = 'OU=Leavers,OU=Others,DC=domain,DC=domain' # Connect to Office 365 / Outlook Live $CloudSessionParameters = @{ ConfigurationName = 'Microsoft.Exchange' ConnectionUri = 'https://outlook.office365.com/Powershell' Credential = $CloudCredential Authentication = 'Basic' AllowRedirection = $true WarningAction = 'SilentlyContinue' } $CloudSession = New-PSSession @CloudSessionParameters Import-PSSession $CloudSession -Prefix Cloud #Connect to local Exchange $LocalExchangeSessionParameters = @{ ConfigurationName = 'Microsoft.Exchange' ConnectionUri = 'http://server/Powershell/' Authentication = 'Kerberos' } $LocalExchangeSession = New-PSSession @LocalExchangeSessionParameters Import-PSSession $LocalExchangeSession ###### PART 1 ###### #################### $ulist | ForEach-Object { try { # ErrorAction is important to catch the error $adacct = Get-ADUser $_.user -Properties Name, SamAccountname, UserPrincipalName, CanonicalName, Enabled, EmailAddress, PasswordExpired, Modified -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Error "User $($_.user) does not exist, cannot disable" Add-Content -Path C:\Operations\Starters-Leavers\UsersNotProcessed.log -Value $_.user # Skips to the next user in $ulist, does not disable anything continue } $body = Get-CloudMailbox -Identity $adacct.UserPrincipalName | Select-Object Name, Alias, EmailAddresses -ExpandProperty EmailAddresses Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Disabling user account on AD and moving to Azure\LeaversPending OU" Disable-ADAccount -Identity $adacct.SamAccountName Move-ADObject -Identity $adacct.DistinguishedName -TargetPath $LeaversOU Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Changing AD Password to Random Password" $Pwd = -join ((48..122) | Get-Random -Count 16 | ForEach-Object { [char]$_ }) $PwdSecStr = ConvertTo-SecureString $pwd -AsPlainText -Force Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity $adacct.SamAccountName -NewPassword $PwdSecStr -Reset Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Password changed for $($adacct.Name)" ###### PART 2 ###### #################### ### Get AD user details again as the user has moved OU $adacct = Get-ADUser $_.user $ticket = $_.ticket ### Disable mailbox, move user to Leavers OU (domain/Leavers) Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Disabling Mailbox" Disable-RemoteMailbox -Identity $adacct.SamAccountName -Confirm:$false Write-Host "Mailbox disabled now moving user to Leavers AD OU" Move-ADObject -Identity $adacct.DistinguishedName -TargetPath $PermLeaversOU Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Generating and sending user status report directly into ticket" $report = $adacct | Select-Object Name, SamAccountname, UserPrincipalName, CanonicalName, Enabled, EmailAddress, PasswordExpired, Modified | Out-String #Sends SMTP email via o365 smtp relay $sendMailMessageSplat = @{ Subject = "[# $($_.ticket) + ]" From = 'LeaverPSScriptreport@domain.com' To = 'support@domain.com' SmtpServer = '365relay' Body = $report + $body } Send-MailMessage @sendMailMessageSplat }