In my script I import a csv file with mutliple rows , groups and users.
However only the last row is executed and I do not see why
It does not show a error by looking up the users, however by adding users to the group it is telling me that the user in the first row cannot be found
My CSV file looks like: $data
domain Adgroup Account
Pieter.com rol-adgroup-function-01 user1,user2,user3
Pieter.com rol-adgroup-function-02 user4, user5
My script:
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$data = import-csv "P:\users\PieterB\Scripts\CSV\addgroup.csv" -Delimiter ";"
#check if the user exists in the domain
# Split because the users are all in 1 row separated by a ,
$Sam = foreach ($account in $data){
$User= $account.account.Split(',')
foreach($entry in $user){
Get-Aduser $entry -Server $account.domain |select -ExpandProperty samaccountname
If ($entry -ne $null) {
"$User is found in $UserDomain"
"Useraccount $entry is/zijn niet gevonden in $UserDomain"
#check if the ADgroup exists in AD
foreach ($Item in $Data){
$ADG = $group.split(',')
Foreach($group in $ADG){
$ADG = Get-ADGroup $Item.adgroup -Server $item.domain
If (!$ADG)
{ write-host "adgroup $($item.adgroup) not found in AD"
add-ADGroupMember -Identity $ADG -Members $Sam -server $item.domain
#to add the text neccesary for the ticket comment
"De user is toegevoegd aan de Adgroep(en): `n`n$($Group | % {"$($_.Trim())`n"})".Split("`n") | % {$_.TrimStart()} | Set-Clipboard
For the experts likely ths a “aha …” moment…
For me it will be another lesson learned and it is appreciated.