Iterating over task scheduler tasks updating task arguments

My boss wants to launch our task scheduler tasks minimized., I was attempting to iterate over tasks with multiple steps, you can see I am not very powershell literate but do understand some constructs as similar to perl.

I ended up with code as below. Resulting in an error, ForEach-Object : A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name ‘Arguments’.

    $PREFIX = "-window minimized "
    $taskPath = "\somepath\"
    Get-ScheduledTask -CimSession "servername" -TaskPath $taskPath -TaskName "mytask" | ForEach-Object {
      $actions = $_.Actions |ForEach-Object {
      if ($_Execute -match 'powershell') {
        $newTaskActionArgs = @{ Execute = 'powershell'; Arguments = "${PREFIX} $($_.Arguments)" }
        if ($_.WorkingDirectory) { 
          # make sure to copy the initial working directory if set too
          $newTaskActionArgs['WorkingDirectory'] = $_.WorkingDirectory
        New-ScheduledTaskAction @newTaskActionArgs
      else {
        # leave action as-is
    Set-ScheduledTask -Action $actions

TIA for input.

Hi, welcome to the forum :wave:

May just be copy/paste errors but you do have some incorrect syntax in your code, e.g. this

if ($_Execute -match 'powershell')

should be:

if ($_.Execute -match 'powershell')

However, your problem with the unrecognised parameter name is because you’ve specified Arguments (plural). The parameter is the singular Argument.