Basic ForEach and IF statements

Hey everyone,

Not the best at writing these things… I feel like I have the right syntax down. If someone could help out that’d be great! Everything executes fine but doesn’t end up creating my scheduled task.

[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=1)]
[string] $computernames,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=2)]
[] $credential,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=3)]
[String] $date,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=4)]
[String] $time

foreach($server in $computernames){

Invoke-Command -cn $server -ScriptBlock { Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall* | select DisplayName}

foreach($Name in $server){

  If($Name.DisplayName -like "Microsoft Office Office 64-bit Components 2007"){ 

Invoke-Command -Computer $server -Credential $credential -ScriptBlock {
param($date, $time)
schtasks /create /tn “Uninstall Office 2007” /tr “\Fileserver03\Install\Microsoft\Office\2007\setup.exe /uninstall ProPlus /config \Fileserver03\Install\Microsoft\Office\2007\SilentUninstall.xml” /sc Once /sd $date /st $time /f /V1 /z /ru System
} -ArgumentList $date, $time}

 If($Name.DisplayName -like "Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010"){ 

Invoke-Command -Computer $server -Credential $credential -ScriptBlock {
param($date, $time)
schtasks /create /tn “Uninstall Office 2010” /tr “\Fileserver03\Install\Microsoft\Office\2010\Uninstall\setup.exe /uninstall ProPlus /config \Fileserver03\Install\Microsoft\Office\2010\Uninstall\SilentUninstall.xml” /sc Once /sd $date /st $time /f /V1 /z /ru System
} -ArgumentList $date, $time}

 If($Name.DisplayName -like "Microsoft Office 64-bit Components 2013"){ 

Invoke-Command -Computer $server -Credential $credential -ScriptBlock {
param($date, $time)
schtasks /create /tn “Uninstall Office 2013” /tr “\Fileserver03\Install\Microsoft\Office\2013\Admin\setup.exe /uninstall ProPlus /config \Fileserver03\Install\Microsoft\Office\2013\Admin\SilentUninstall.xml” /sc Once /sd $date /st $time /f /V1 /z /ru System
} -ArgumentList $date, $time}


Your second foreach statement doesn’t make any sense. You input an array of computernames and the first foreach iterates through those. Inside that loop you have another that starts with:

foreach ($Name in $Server)

What is it that you’re trying to loop through? At that point server is only a single string so there is no more looping you can do with it.

Beyond that, in your OP you haven’t even stated that your script does not work. It will help if you can give us an idea what you’re seeing. Do you get any errors?

Hey Adam,

To add to Matt’s comment, one thing i see is that you are not assigning a value to the resolve of the initial Invoke-Command

   Invoke-Command -cn $server -ScriptBlock {
        Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Select-Object -Property DisplayName

This won’t do anything other than output this to your screen.

Also, I see you are using the -like operator. This also doesn’t make sense, since you are not including any wildcards. The result will be the same, but if it’s the exact name, then it’s nicer to use ‘-eq’

I think what you’re wanting to loop through will be the results from the previous Invoke. If that being the case, your code would be something like below. NB I’ve also used -expandproperty since you only require one property of the object that is being passed through the pipeline.

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1)]
    [string[]] $computernames,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2)]
    [] $credential,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 3)]
    [String] $date,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 4)]
    [String] $time

foreach($server in $computernames)
    $applications = Invoke-Command -cn $server -ScriptBlock {
        Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DisplayName

    foreach($application in $applications)
        If($application -like 'Microsoft Office Office 64-bit Components 2007')
            Invoke-Command -ComputerName $server -Credential $credential -ScriptBlock {
                param($date, $time)
                schtasks.exe /create /tn 'Uninstall Office 2007' /tr '\\Fileserver03\Install\Microsoft\Office\2007\setup.exe /uninstall ProPlus /config \\Fileserver03\Install\Microsoft\Office\2007\SilentUninstall.xml' /sc Once /sd $date /st $time /f /V1 /z /ru System
            } -ArgumentList $date, $time

        If($application  -like 'Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010')
            Invoke-Command -ComputerName $server -Credential $credential -ScriptBlock {
                param($date, $time)
                schtasks.exe /create /tn 'Uninstall Office 2010' /tr '\\Fileserver03\Install\Microsoft\Office\2010\Uninstall\setup.exe /uninstall ProPlus /config \\Fileserver03\Install\Microsoft\Office\2010\Uninstall\SilentUninstall.xml' /sc Once /sd $date /st $time /f /V1 /z /ru System
            } -ArgumentList $date, $time

        If($application -like 'Microsoft Office 64-bit Components 2013')
            Invoke-Command -ComputerName $server -Credential $credential -ScriptBlock {
                param($date, $time)
                schtasks.exe /create /tn 'Uninstall Office 2013' /tr '\\Fileserver03\Install\Microsoft\Office\2013\Admin\setup.exe /uninstall ProPlus /config \\Fileserver03\Install\Microsoft\Office\2013\Admin\SilentUninstall.xml' /sc Once /sd $date /st $time /f /V1 /z /ru System
            } -ArgumentList $date, $time