
From where can I get this command? I saw it in the video by Hemant Mahawar about PowerShell DSC at PowerShell Summit 2015.

Thank you!

I don’t think that’s been published yet. You should come to the Summit next time, you can ask him in person! :slight_smile:

Thank you Don, I wish I can go there to thank you and your team ( and Dave Wyatte) in person for helping me with problems I had and more to come. :slight_smile: The video are awesome!! I also watched your class in Pluralsight.

So I need to wait for April preview? I also would like to know how to write the events to etw (I think)? That was cool.

Hi sirirako,

Sign up for Twitter if you haven’t yet and follow Hemant -

I have tweeted to him if he is going to publish the function.
