I’m trying to post the following json``
{"records":[ { "inc_number":"INC0010792", "close_code":"Not Solved", "close_notes":"Not solved" } ] }
To do so I’m using:
$body=@{ "records"=@{ "inc_number"="INC002580523"; "close_code"="Solved (With Request)"; "close_notes"="Auto Closing Multiple Tickets" }; }; $json = $body | convertto-json $result=try { Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $qa -Credential $credentials -Method Put -Body $json -ContentType "application/json" } catch [Exception] { Write-Host "StatusCode:" $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ Write-Host "StatusDescription:" $_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription }
But I am receiving a 400 Bad Request error.
That json return the following if you display the json variable.
{ "records": { "close_notes": "Auto Closing Multiple Tickets", "close_code": "Solved (With Request)", "inc_number": "INC002580523" } }
Which I am assuming is malformed json for this service.
Anyone have a suggestion the proper way to format the json above. The api specified that this how it should be sent. Thank you.