invoke rest method in powershell

Hi All,

I am trying to convert below curl coomand into powershell.

curl --user “{PUBLIC-KEY}:{PRIVATE-KEY}” --digest
–header “Accept: application/json”
–header “Content-Type: application/json”
–request POST “{PROJECT-ID}/databaseUsers
–data ’


“databaseName”: “admin”,

“password”: “changeme123”,

“roles”: [{

“databaseName”: “sales”,

“roleName”: “readWrite”

}, {

“databaseName”: “marketing”,

“roleName”: “read”


“username”: “david”


I converted above curl into Restmethod to execute in powershell

$Json = '{"databaseName":"admin","password":"changeme123","username":"sample","roles":[{"databaseName":"sales","roleName":"read",}]}'
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $getProjectUri -Body $Json -ContentType Application/Json -Headers @{Authorization = "Basic $base64AuthInfo"} -Credential $credential -Method Post
Here is the Error Message :
Invoke-RestMethod : {"detail":"Received JSON for the roles attribute does not match expected format.","error":400,"errorCode":"INVALID_JSON_ATTRIBUTE","parameters":["roles"],"reason":"Bad Request"} At C:\Users\pik0097\powershellscript\a3.ps1:10 char:3 + Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $getProjectUri -Body $Json -ContentType Appl ... + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (System.Net.HttpWebRequest:HttpWebRequest) [Invoke-RestMethod], WebException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand
My Analysis:
I am passing -> "roles":[{"databaseName":"sales","roleName":"read",}] ->in below json variable,which is being passed as json but as per microsoft documentation , expected type for roles is string array
roles.databaseName=sales , roles.roleName=read
Please suggest
$Json = '{"databaseName":"admin","password":"changeme123","username":"sample","roles":[{"databaseName":"sales","roleName":"read",}]}'

My advise don’t try to format JSON manually in PowerShell. Build your data as hashtables and use Convertto-JSON as in:

$DataToSend = @{
    databaseName = 'admin'
    password     = 'changeme123'
    username     = 'sample'
    roles        = @(
            databaseName = 'sales'
            roleName     = 'read'
            databaseName = 'marketing'
            roleName     = 'read'

$Json = $DataToSend | ConvertTo-Json


and your JSON object would look like:

    "username":  "sample",
    "databaseName":  "admin",
    "password":  "changeme123",
    "roles":  [
                      "databaseName":  "sales",
                      "roleName":  "read"
                      "databaseName":  "marketing",
                      "roleName":  "read"

Thank you so much @Sam boutrous , it is working , you made my day :slight_smile:

MongoDB is a pretty popular database, there is probably already pre-built powershell modules:

Hi All,

I used below code to add user named sample for sales database with read access

$DataToSend = @{
databaseName = ‘admin’
password = ‘changeme123’
username = ‘sample’
roles = @(
databaseName = ‘sales’
roleName = ‘read’

$Json = $DataToSend | ConvertTo-Json


If i have to append a new role for the same user “sample” for “marketing” database with readWrite access , can you please suggest. I tried below approaches and failed.

  1. with patch command I found that existing sales db is being replaced with marketing db instead of append/ adding marketing db to same user.
  2. With post command I see an error "username exists" , as user name "sample" already exists .
What should be done if i have to add/append a new database along with role for an existing user with an existing db and role ,please provide suggestions .

That is a MongoDB question, specifically the api: