I’m processing lists with SmartyStreets, which validate snail mail addresses against the post office list of valid mailing addresses. (how quaint…I know…)
I send this using two variables:
$whole = the string http://api.smartystreets.com/street-address?" plus the user-id and user-authorization code
$converted,= a reference to the list that was read in from a .CSV file using convertfrom-csv and convertto-json
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $whole -Body $converted -ContentType application/json -Method Post
I"m able to insert an entire list with a single variable…($converted) .but if the list has over 100 addresses, I get an error back from the SmartyStreets API which says that the number of addresses that can be passed via a single call is 100.
So, I"m looking for a simple way to chunk the call into groups of 100 addresses.
Two ideas that I"ve considered:
I could create a call for each address with a foreach loop…but that would create a lot of network traffic, and require the server to respond individually for each address.
I could split up the larger .csv file into smaller files of 100 lines each, then make the call for each group of 100.
I like to abuse Group-Object for this, personally. In this example, $bigList is a simple array of integers, but this could also be the objects returned by your Import-Csv command on the large file:
$bigList = 1..1000
$counter = @{ Value = 0 }
$groupSize = 100
$groups = $bigList | Group-Object -Property { [math]::Floor($counter.Value++ / $groupSize) }
foreach ($group in $groups)
$littleList = $group.Group
# $littleList.Count will be somewhere between 1 and 100. (The final group may have less than 100.)
# Generate your $converted string here and call Invoke-RestMethod.
I still have this issue and couldn’t figure out can anybody help? I am getting an API device and trying to insert the data to table. I am using Rest invoke method where the API returns only 100 devices.
$Url= “https://api-blahblah /devices” #To load data from devices
$Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $Url -Header $Headers
$Url= “https://api-blahblah /devices”
$Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $Url -Header $Headers
$Output = $OutputInterim.results | Select name, nickName
$Devices += $Output
Now manually we enter the cursor value and try to create 2000 records. Is there any possibility to fetch all record in a single call?