How to show repertory content as a windows tool bar


I am very happy to find this to create an systray icon and a menu. But how can i show repertory content as a windows tool bar ?

Welcome to the forum. :wave:t4:

This blog post is actually not that old. I’d recommend to contact the author first and ask him that question. If there’s a way of achieving what you’re asking for who else would know it better than him? :wink:


well i has ask him there has few days. But nothing.
It seemto be a problem to show repertory content as a windows toolbar. Many men ask this on the web, and the answers are ridiculous, and many doesn’t work.
Also I search how to show ipaddress on windows task bar, and nothing :frowning:

Hmmm … I’m sorry.

Sometimes sometimes one must acknowledge that a scripting language has some limitations. :man_shrugging:t4: